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UZBEKISTAN. Bukhara Road Network Improvement Project (Phase-1). Appointment of Consultant for full time Construction Supervision (on-site) of 78 km (sections 150-228) of International Road A380 in Bukhara region of the Republic of Uzbekistan

11458 September 12, 2020 Print Download (PDF 19 Kb)

Project name Bukhara Road Network Improvement Project (Phase-1)
Country  Republic of Uzbekistan
Business Sector              Transport
Project ID P000313-UZB
Type of contract Consulting services
Type of notice Request for Expressiong of Interest (REOI)
Issue date September 10th 2020

Assignment Title: Appointment of Consultant for full time Construction Supervision (on-site) of 78 km (sections 150-228) of International Road A380 in Bukhara region of the Republic of Uzbekistan

References: Sub-component 2a: Construction full time supervision consulting (on site)

The Road Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan has applied for financing from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) towards the cost of the Bukhara Road Network Improvement Project (BRNIP), Phase-1 and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The main aim of the consultancy services is to ensure that high quality and timely construction is achieved and that all works are carried out in full compliance with the engineering designs and technical specifications described in the civil works contract and in compliance with the environmental and social management plan (ESMP). The Consultant will make sure that all efforts are deployed by the contractor to complete the construction within the contractual time schedule for 78 km (sections 150-228) of International Road A380 in Bukhara region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The duration of the civil works contract is 5 years, out of which: 3-year rehabilitation/construction works and 2 years maintenance operation. 

In achieving the main aim of the assignment, the primary objectives of the consulting services are as follows, but not limited to:


1. Construction supervision: function as "The Engineer" as provided for in the civil works contract in accordance with the Conditions of Contract (FIDIC) and ESMP, including all matters concerning administration and implementation of the contract including quality control, environmental, social, health and safety (ESHS) aspects, work progress, and dispute resolution;

2. Review of available detailed designs for road and bridges: and recommend them for construction, as well as suggest, if necessary possible improvement.

3. To start in December 2020 with an estimated contract duration of 60 months.

The "Avtoyulinvest" Agency under the Road Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan now invites eligible consulting firms ("Consultants") to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. Interested Consultants must provide sufficient information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services such as brochures/company profile, description of similar assignments (including location/country, name of the Employer/Client, type of services provided, period of contract, contract amount, starting and completion dates) and availability of appropriate skills among permanent staff, etc.) which covers such following information (as the shortlisting criteria):

Experience as 'Engineer' in at least 3 assignments similar in scope, magnitude and complexity for full-time on-site supervision completed in past 7 years for road construction projects;

Financial status with consultancy turnover in past 5 years in the form of statement confirmed by company itself.

Availability of appropriate skills among key personnel, team composition etc.

The selection is conducted in accordance with AIIB's Interim Operational Directives on Procurement Instructions for Recipients (June 2, 2016) ("Procurement Directive" at https://www.aiib.org/en/policies-strategies/_download/operational-directive/ policy_operational_directive_procurement-instructions.pdf). 

Consultants may choose to associate with other firm in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. In case of an association, the EOI must explicitly specify whether the association is in the form of a Joint Venture (all members jointly and severally liable for the entire assignment), or Sub-consultancy. In case of joint venture, the member firm appointed to represent the joint venture must be clearly identified. Only the qualifications and experience of members of joint venture, but not of sub-consultants, shall be considered in the EOI evaluation process.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the International Open Competitive Selection – Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Procurement Directive.

Interested Consultant firms may access draft Terms of Reference at https://www.uzavtoyul.uz.

Expression of Interest, which shall not exceed 30 pages, must be submitted electronically in pdf format to the following email address not later than 3 PM Tashkent Time, October 12th, 2020.

To: "Avtoyo'linvest" Agency under Road Committee of Uzbekistan

Attention: Mr. Farhod Kuljanov, Director of "Avtoyo'linvest" Agency

Email:  brnipuzb@gmail.com; info@uzavtoyul.uz

TOR (download .doc)

Attachment 1 (download .pdf)

Attachment 2 (download .ppt)

Attachment 3 (download .pdf)

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