Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


President of the Republic of Uzbekistan received the heads of governments of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus and Turkmenistan

7951 November 3, 2017 Print Download (PDF 985 Kb)

On November 2, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held bilateral meetings with the Prime Minister of Tajikistan Kohir Rasulzoda, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytjan Sagintayev, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Andrei Kobyakov and the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Esenmyrat Orazgeldiyev who arrived in our country to attend the regular meeting of the Council of Heads of Governments of the CIS. 

Issues of mutual interest in development of constructive and productive cooperation were discussed at the meeting with the Prime Minister of Tajikistan Kohir Rasulzoda. 

The Head of our state emphasized the importance of effective use of the potential of the joint Intergovernmental Commission for promotion of specific projects and programs aimed at strengthening the traditionally friendly and close relations between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. 

Issues of practical implementation of the reached arrangements and the signed agreements during mutual visits at the highest level were considered with the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakytjan Sagintayev. 

The importance of enhancing cooperation in the spheres of trade, investment, energy, transport and other priority areas was emphasized. Particular attention was paid to continuation of intensive contacts between the regions and at the level of business circles of the two countries. 

At the meeting with the Prime Minister of Belarus Andrei Kobyakov, the positive dynamics of development of Uzbekistan – Belarus relations was noted with satisfaction. 

In a short period of time, joint projects have been implemented in mechanical engineering, agro-industrial complex, food, pharmaceutical and other industries. 

The sides expressed interest in disclosing the existing significant potential for cooperation, first of all, in the real sector of the economy. 

During the conversation with the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Esenmyrat Orazgeldiyev, it was emphasized that high-level visits to Turkmenistan and regular contacts of the heads of states brought Uzbekistan – Turkmenistan relations to the level of strategic partnership. 

Prospects of Uzbekistan – Turkmenistan cooperation in trade-economic and transport-communication spheres, deepening cooperation in industry and agriculture were considered. 

The heads of the governments of Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Turkmenistan expressed gratitude to the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev for the warm welcome and conveyed greetings and best wishes on behalf of the heads of their states.


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