Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Creation of modern conditions for the population – today's requirement

9616 August 19, 2017 Print Download (PDF 125 Kb)

On August 18, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Bekabad. 

The head of our state got acquainted with the activity of "Uzbek metallurgical combine" JSC. 

This combine is one of the largest production facilities of our country. The enterprise processes scrap and waste of ferrous metals, produces finished rolled products, enamelware and other consumer goods. 

The President of our country got acquainted with the activities of special workshops of the enterprise. 

The enterprise is working on six large-scale economic projects with a total cost of about 635 million dollars. 

One of the projects – processing of scrap and waste of ferrous metals. With its launch at full capacity, an opportunity will be created for the production of 138,2 thousand tons of ferrous metal products, as well as enamelware and other consumer goods. As a result, about 3 thousand workplaces will be organized. 

In accordance with another ongoing projects, a steelmaking and foundry complex will be built, production of hot rolled steel sheets will be organized. This project is planned to be implemented in two stages. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev talked with workers and employees of the plant, got acquainted with created conditions for their productive activities and recreation. 

Recently we have visited the city of Almalyk. Almalyk and Bekabad are the cities of metallurgists, regions with developed industry. Therefore, we must develop two cities in parallel, make sure that people living there are satisfied with their lives. In this regard, we announce a competition on development between the two cities. Fr om September 1, 2017 to September 2018, we will trace the development trends of both cities. This will be a healthy competition between the cities, and not between metallurgical plants, wh ere the prices in markets, conditions that are being created for the lives of citizens will be taken into account. Involvement of new enterprises, creation of additional workplaces – everything will be taken into account. Such healthy competitiveness will play an important role in the dynamic development of the two cities, said the head of our state. 

The head of our state paid special attention to such actual issues as training of personnel, provision of youth employment and training. 

We have to give a modern education to our young people, to bring up a worthy youth, starting from preschool age, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

The President of our country visited "Shudring" ("Dew") preschool educational institution No.5, subordinated to Bekabad city department of methodological support and organization of activity of public educational institutions, got acquainted with conditions created for children here. 

Information on the current state of pre-school educational institutions in Tashkent region was provided. Currently, there are 406 pre-school educational institutions in the region. They cover 61 thousand 755 children. 

The head of our state, on the example of the city of Bekabad, noted the need to develop a program for the full coverage of preschool children by educational institutions. At the same time, he emphasized the necessity of assigning a broad role to private kindergartens. 

The head of our state, during trips to the regions of the country, regularly conducts dialogues with the population, gets interested in people's living conditions, pays special attention to issues and problems concerning them. This was also reflected during the meeting with residents of multi-storey houses belonging to the "Metallurg-madad" private homeowners association in the territory of "Pakhtakor" makhalla in the city of Bekabad. More than 750 people are living in 234 apartments of 8 multi-storey houses of this association. The roofs of the houses are repaired, old pipes in the cellars are completely replaced, modern doors with code locks, security surveillance cameras are installed in the houses. This serves to ensure peace and tranquility in the territory. Modern playgrounds are built around the houses. 

However, there are also problems worrying residents. In particular, the heating system is not working in the houses. This state of affairs is observed not only in this association, but also in almost the entire city of Bekabad. Providing drinking water is also one of the problems concerning the population. Although there is drinking water, its quality does not meet the requirements. 

The President of our country noted the need to install gas-fired boilers in houses that are produced in "ARISTON THERMO-UTG" joint venture in Navoi region on the basis of preferential credit. 

All our activities are aimed at meeting the needs of people, raising the level and quality of their life, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Therefore, we will provide all multi-storey houses that do not have heating in Bekabad with individual gas-fired boilers, allocate necessary funds for this. Gas-fired boilers installed in apartments will be provided to the population on the basis of preferential loans. 

Achievements we have achieved today are the result of diligence of our people, noted the President of our country. If we will work hard together with dedication, then we will reach even higher levels. 

Creating an enabling environment for people's lives, full satisfaction of their vital needs, providing workplaces – are some of the actual tasks facing countries with high demographic rates. According to statistics, the population of our country has exceeded 32 million 345 thousand people, and this figure is increasing every year. 

This can also be seen in the city of Bekabad. Currently, the number of its residents exceeds 90 thousand. Forecasts show that by 2035 this figure will reach 110 thousand. This, in turn, requires consideration of demographic growth. 

So, how will this task be accomplished? 

President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev during the presentation of the master plan of the city of Bekabad until 2035, paid main attention to these issues. 

As it was noted, the well-being of the population is ensured through the implementation of such important socio-economic projects as stabilization of the labor market situation, improvement of public services provided in the sphere of employment, radical improvement of urban infrastructure, establishment of small industrial zones. 

In particular, in 2017-2018, 179 projects with a total cost of 3,8 trillion sums will be implemented, about 5 thousand people will be employed. 

At the expense of commercial banks, new multi-storey buildings will be built for workers of "Uzbek metallurgical combine" JSC and Bekabad cement plant with an annual commissioning of about 1200 apartments. The first houses will be put into operation in a year – on the eve of Independence Day of our country. 

The head of our state gave instructions on creation of parks around these houses and construction of social facilities for serving the population, in short, creation of a small town. He noted the need for its construction in a short time and suggested calling it "Mustakillikning 27 yilligi massivi" – massif of the 27th anniversary of Independence. 

Two seven-storey houses with 42 apartments are being built in the city of Bekabad this year. In 2018, it is planned to erect another 10 such multi-storey buildings. The city's central hospital was built in 1964, so it needs repairs. In 2017-2018, activities on construction and reconstruction at the amount of more than 12 billion sums will be held here. The import of medical equipment for 1 million dollars is envisaged. 

The President of our country instructed to establish an electric train traffic between Tashkent and Bekabad in order to create even greater convenience for the population. 

At the Palace of culture "Metallurg", a meeting under the chairmanship of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was held. It was attended by activists of Tashkent region and the city of Bekabad, heads of relevant ministries and departments. 

At the meeting it was noted that the Virtual reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the People's receptions at places became an important system for dialogue with the population. Various issues are solved there in a timely manner, people are finding support and understanding. It was emphasized that the Strategy of actions on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 is aimed at raising the development of our country to a new level. Special attention was paid to issues of creation of all necessary conditions for the population, renewal of communication systems, improvement of territories, further development of entrepreneurship. 


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