Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in Jizzakh region

10855 April 28, 2017 Print Download (PDF 25 Kb)

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in Jizzakh region on 27 April to review the creative and beautification works in the region, the pace of social-economic reforms, large projects under implementation, to conduct a dialogue with people. 

During the years of independence, the region has developed comprehensively, its towns and villages have transformed, the life standards and the welfare of the population have increased. Due to consistently implemented reforms, sound indicators in developing construction, agricultural spheres, small business and private entrepreneurship, a social sphere have been achieved. 

In 2016 the rates of growth of the gross regional product constituted 9,6 per cent. The volume of industrial production increased by 17,8 per cent, the gross agricultural product by 6,4, construction works by 11,8 and retail turnover by 15,2 per cents. 

Last year 304 projects in the industrial sphere, 696 projects in the agriculture were implemented. 

Thanks to measures on supporting the entrepreneurs and protection of their rights, the share of small businesses and private entrepreneurs in the gross regional product reached 80,3 per cent in 2016. 

"Jizzakh" free economic zone has a special significance in developing industry in the region. The companies, operating in the free economic zone, have manufactured products for 163 billion soums. 

Currently 20 companies (15 in Jizzakh and 5 in Sirdarya) have been established in the zone, established based on the decree of the First President of our country "On establishing special industrial zone "Jizzakh" on 18 March 2013. 

Over 1000 new workplaces have been created in the enterprises, equipped with modern technologies. 60 per cent of workplaces are occupied by recent graduates of higher educational institutions and professional colleges. 

At present, different industrial goods, in particular, brake pads for trucks and cars, TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, LED lamps, polypropylene yarns, video and IP telephones, telecommunications equipment are produced at the "Jizzakh" FEZ. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his pre-election manifesto had laid out huge plans and goals on consistent continuation of the creative works in the region, comprehensive development of the region, ensuring the interests of the population. The President of our country is expected to inspect the implementation of these plans, the reforms under implementation and prospective projects during his visit to Jizzakh.


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