Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


According to the agreement between the Committee for Roads and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the project "Reconstruction of the A-380 "Guzar-Bukhara-Nukus-Beyneu" road on the 228-315 km section" is being implemented. "Social Safeguard Monitoring Report" was developed in accordance with ADB requirements under the project and was updated.

1153 November 29, 2022 Print Download (PDF 9 Kb)

According to the agreement between the Committee for Roads and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the project "Reconstruction of the A-380 "Guzar-Bukhara-Nukus-Beyneu" road on the 228-315 km section" is being implemented. "Social Safeguard Monitoring Report" was developed in accordance with ADB requirements under the project and was updated.

This document is dated June 2022 and was submitted for the ADB project in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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