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Attention should constantly be given to creating decent conditions for people

7819 June 3, 2017 Print Download (PDF 25 Kb)

Attention should constantly be given to creating decent conditions for people In accordance with a Presidential resolution dated 21 October 2016 "On a programme for constructing affordable apartment houses on the basis of updated standard projects in rural areas in the years 2017-2021", modern and comfy homes are being built in all the regions of this country.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has inspected such houses which were built in the "Chorvador" neighbourhood in Boz District. He visited the home of Akmal Rahmonov and Zilolahon Rahmonova to find out about their living conditions and to hold a conversation about bringing up children. 

In this neighbourhood, 10 modern three-room houses with 200 square metres of land each were built. Supplies of gas, water and electricity have been ensured to these houses. 

The President said that it was necessary to build more such houses and to constantly give attention to creating decent conditions for people. 


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