Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Further increasing the effectiveness of reforms and strengthening the executive discipline in all spheres are the most important tasks

7078 June 13, 2017 Print Download (PDF 28 Kb)

On June 12, a videoconference dedicated to discussion of tasks on preliminary analysis of expected results of socio-economic development of our country in the first half of this year, prompt elimination of existing shortcomings and achievement of forecast indicators and target parameters in all spheres and sectors, was held in Tashkent. 

The event was attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan and his deputies, state advisers to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads of ministries and departments, economic associations. Chairmen of Jokargy Kenes and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of regions, cities and districts, heads of territorial subdivisions of ministries and departments, enterprises at places, representatives of public and entrepreneurs took part at the meeting through videoconference. 

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev led the meeting. 

At the meeting, positive results achieved in the past period of this year in implementation of strategic tasks on raising our country to a new level of development were noted, shortcomings and problems in the process of reforms, ways for their solution, and issues of strengthening executive discipline were comprehensively analyzed. It was noted that large-scale activities has been carried out recently on solving problems existing in the system of state governing bodies, improving and increasing the efficiency of their activities. Formation or reorganization of 22 ministries, state committees, companies, associations and other structures, introduction of changes into structures, specification of the main tasks and functions of dozens of departments that are included in the Cabinet of Ministers' complexes were noted as important practical measures in this direction. 

At the same time, it was noted that results expected from these reforms are achieved not in all spheres, some newly formed ministries and departments have not yet established their effective activities, which negatively affects implementation of programs identified for 2017. In particular, several months have passed since the adoption of decrees on organization of "Uzagroexportbank" and "Poytahtbank", but founders of these banks have not yet ensured the beginning of their activities. The reasons of this situation were deeply analyzed, specific assignments were given for their elimination. 

At the meeting, special attention was paid to inadmissibility of work on the basis of old stereotypes, superficial and severed from reality approaches, especially in the sphere of economic management. It was noted that current time requires a critical assessment of the situation in all spheres, introduction of new methods and effective systems for their development, modern management mechanisms, as well as high responsibility and initiative. 

The head of our state analyzed activities of the government over the past period and noted that working with regions, in-depth and comprehensive study and consistent solution of each problem while visiting places, effectiveness will become important criteria in assessing activities of heads of complexes of the Cabinet of Ministers, ministries and departments, local authorities. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, speaking about the expected results of activities carried out in the first half of the year in certain spheres and sectors of the economy noted that there are serious shortcomings in the activity of the heads of a number of complexes, ministries and industries. For example, gas production delays are allowed at joint ventures of the National Holding Company "Uzbekneftegaz". Growth in volumes of production at some enterprises of light, food, leather and shoe industry is not provided at proper level. 

At the meeting, it was noted that the practice of researching additional reserves and projects in each region with visiting places, development of promising projects on this basis, gives positive results. So far, new opportunities have been identified for the development and implementation of 1 260 projects for a total amount of more than 23 trillion sums. At the same time, delays and shortcomings are allowed even in implementation of these important projects aimed at development of the regions, saturation of domestic market, expanding export, most importantly, ensuring employment of the population, raising the level and quality of their lives. 

The President of our country, speaking of the role and responsibility of the state bodies in development of the regions, criticized the situation in Samarkand region, where, due to indifference and inaction of some leaders, a number of serious problems were accumulated. It was identified during the trip to the region last week. Development of the region is hampered by the lack of close interaction and constructive relation between the khokim of the region, his deputies, khokims of cities and districts, heads of regional departments. 

The regional khokim does not take into account the opinion of public and leaders, puts not deeply thought out tasks and assignments before executors, does not show determination and initiative, ability to confidently assume responsibility, which does not allow to solve serious and actual tasks facing the region today. There is no direct dialogue with people, no close interaction with the mass media. 

Work on construction of objects in the region, investment development lags behind, the growth of production of domestic products oriented for export is not ensured. Issues of improving cities and villages, creating an enabling environment for people have been neglected. Financial and tax departments of the region are not working enough on finding and using opportunities for expanding the tax base. The khokim of the region Kh.Okbutayev did not have enough knowledge and potential of management experience in solving these problems, uniting all residents of Samarkand region around a common goal. 

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dismissed Kh.Okbutayev, the khokim of Samarkand region from his post for such serious shortcomings and omissions. 

At the meeting, it was emphasized that all reforms implemented in our country and state programs are aimed at raising the level and quality of life of the population, relief from worries and improving people's well-being. It is necessary to take under strict control and ensure unconditional execution of each law, decree and resolution adopted on the basis of dialogue with people, comprehensive study of concerns and problems of the population at places. 

– We will always pursue such a strict policy and will certainly bring it to the end, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

At the videoconference, reports of the heads of complexes of the Cabinet of Ministers, ministries and departments, economic associations, khokims of the regions, districts and cities were thoroughly discussed. Appropriate decisions were taken. 


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