Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Issues of expanding exports, investments and localization are considered

3871 January 16, 2020 Print Download (PDF 32 Kb)

On January 15, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on the issues of expanding exports, investments and localization.

In the current conditions of intense competition in the global economy, the main factor in ensuring stability is the expansion of production and the establishment of strong positions in foreign markets.

Thanks to measures taken to support the sphere last year, the export figures of Uzbekistan increased by 28 percent. The volume of regional industrial exports increased almost 2 times.

For further increasing the export volumes, a new system for determining and monitoring forecast indicators began to operate in 2020. Thus, the export forecast is approved for a three-year period. The plan for 2020 is defined at a level that exceeds last year by 22 percent.

At the meeting, the tasks facing agencies and those responsible for export, investment and localization were discussed. The personal responsibility of the leaders of the regions and industries for the effective use of each dollar was indicated.

The Head of the state noted that from now on it is not allowed to shift responsibility from the industry to the region and vice versa, for the execution of the export forecast, each minister, head of the business association will be responsible along with khokims.

The Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade has been instructed to develop a roadmap to ensure the full implementation of the export forecast for the current year, specifically determining where and when products will be exported, what measures will be taken to do this.

The need for the effective use of potential in such leading industries as textiles, horticulture, leather and shoe production, construction materials, and the automotive industry was indicated.

Uztuqimachiliksanoat Association was instructed to bring cotton fiber processing capacities to 80 percent, diversify the range with new enterprises and expand the geography of exports.

Instructions were given on introducing a preferential trading regime to facilitate domestic exporters entering potential markets, joining the GSP+ universal preference system.

The issue of export of fruits and vegetables was considered in detail.

It was entrusted to ensure the optimal placement of fruits and vegetables based on export requirements, to organize trading houses and a dealer network in promising foreign markets. The issue of transferring the harvesting of fruits and vegetables in 55 specialized areas to the cluster system.

Uzstandard Agency was entrusted with local khokimiyats to introduce the international standard Global G.A.P. in 155 farms, and the State Plant Quarantine Committee to bring agricultural products in line with foreign market requirements.

Instructions were given on organizing an export and pre-export financing system to increase the attractiveness of export activities and expand the mechanism for compensating transportation costs.

At the meeting, investment support activity was reviewed.

Almost 30 percent of investments mastered last year from all sources were foreign direct investment. Investments began to come in remote areas with poor industrial development. 145 sectoral and 167 regional projects worth 5.4 billion dollars were implemented.

Starting this year, investment programs are being formed according to the new system. For 2020, a list of 1569 projects implemented through private and direct investment was approved. According to the program, this year it is planned to use 233 trillion 200 billion soums, including 7.1 billion dollars of foreign direct investment and loans.

Tasks of the heads of industries and regions in the investment sphere were identified at the meeting.

Heads of relevant ministries, agencies and business associations were instructed to timely launch industrial projects. Heads of agencies of the republican level are assigned for each project implemented in the regions with participation of direct investments.

Responsible persons were instructed to complete the pre-design work, the signing of contracts with foreign investors and take their execution under strict control.

Social and infrastructure projects planned for the current year at the expense of budget funds were also discussed.

The President noted the need for establishing strict control over the efficient spending of budget funds, qualitative execution of construction and repair work at 2190 facilities.

This year, construction and repair work is planned to be executed or completed in 372 kindergartens, 343 schools, 228 medical institutions, 61 higher education institutions, 44 sports facilities, 187 drinking water supply and sanitation facilities, 241 irrigation and land reclamation facilities.

Instructions were given on qualitative implementation of projects begun last year, the completion of tenders for new facilities, and financing.

The President noted the remaining problems in development, implementation and monitoring of investment projects, in assessing the effectiveness of attracted investments.

Responsible persons were given the task to develop investment strategies by industry and region with the assistance of foreign experts, assess the effectiveness and economic efficiency of attracted investments, and identify priority areas for foreign direct investment.

It was emphasized that when placing investment projects, first of all, special attention should be paid to the possibilities of connecting to the infrastructure and associated costs.

One of the relevant issues today is production of products competitive on the domestic and foreign markets by deepening localization.

To this end, over 800 projects were implemented in 2019. In particular, the production of polyvinyl chloride, wire rod, electric motors, glass containers, household appliances, medicines and other types of products was mastered.

Starting this year, the localization program will be formed on the basis of new approaches, the Head of the state noted.

In particular, within the framework of 830 projects, production of new types of products for 9 trillion soums is planned.

The need for the implementation of specific localization projects in the system of associations Uzeltechsanoat, Uzsanoatqurilishmateriallari, joint-stock companies Uzagrotechsanoat-holding, Uzavtosanoat, the Agency for Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry, as well as in the city of Tashkent, along with Fergana, Khorezm, Jizzakh, Syrdarya and Tashkent regions.

In this regard, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Economy and Industry were instructed to approve, within a month, sectoral schedules for projects included in the localization program for 2020 together with ministries and agencies.

The Head of the state noted that the main attention in the implementation of projects should be paid to competitiveness and socio-economic efficiency, reducing the cost of production.

The Uzstandard Agency was instructed to provide business entities with practical assistance in issues of standardization, metrology and certification in the process of mastering the production of import-substituting industrial goods.

The Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of the regions and the city of Tashkent were instructed to establish personal control over the timely implementation of projects under the localization program.

The Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry have been tasked to take measures to fully and timely fulfill the agreements concluded during the Republican Industrial Fair together with local officials.

At the meeting, the reports of senior executives were heard, important tasks for the future were identified.


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