Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev identified important directions on eliminating problems in pharmaceutical industry

9309 February 7, 2018 Print Download (PDF 23 Kb)

The President of Uzbekistan, having thoroughly analyzed problems in the pharmaceutical industry, identified important directions on their elimination. 

The need was noted for developing a set of additional measures on significantly increasing production of medicinal substances, expanding production with a full cycle, introduction of international standards and new innovative technologies into the sphere. 

The task was set on taking additional measures for ensuring stability and preventing artificial increase in prices of medicines in the domestic market. 

Responsible persons were given specific instructions on development and approval of master plans of free economic zones, specializing in pharmaceuticals, providing them with all necessary communications. 

The need for creating an educational scientific laboratory and an experimental production complex at Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute in order to accelerate the introduction of new developments into practice was noted. 

At the meeting, issues of training personnel in narrow specialties of pharmaceuticals, organizing internships for industry workers at foreign pharmaceutical enterprises were also discussed. 


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