Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Strict compliance with the executive discipline is an important factor of dynamic development

6868 July 5, 2017 Print Download (PDF 27 Kb)

On July 4, a meeting under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev was held in Tashkent. 

At the meeting, reports of the heads of the Complex on the issues of communal service, transport, capital construction and construction industry and the Complex on the issues of economic development, structural reforms, investments, reforming of banking and financial systems, coordination of activities of the free economic and small industrial zones of the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as of the heads of ministries and departments that are members of these complexes on the results of the first half of this year, the existing problems and measures on solving them, actual tasks for the second half of the year were heard and thoroughly discussed. 

President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that despite the achievement of certain results and success in the spheres included in these complexes in the first half of the year, it is necessary not to indulge in tranquility, but to focus on the analysis of issues pending their solution, to develop measures on full utilization of available reserves and opportunities. 

The head of our state drew particular attention to issues of effective establishment of activities of ministries and departments that are newly formed or transformed during the first half of this year, pointed to serious shortcomings admitted in this direction by the heads of the Ministry of housing and communal services, the State committee on investments, the Guarantee fund for development of small business. Heads of ministries and departments are instructed to take all necessary measures on staffing vacancies with highly qualified specialists, ensuring full and qualitative fulfillment of their main tasks and functions determined by the legislative acts. 

Shortcomings and omissions made by some departments in the Complex on the issues of communal service, transport, capital construction and construction industry, including the State committee for architecture and construction, the "Uzkurilishmateriallari", "Uzmontajmakhsuskurilish", "Uzshakharkurilishinvest" companies, the Republican road fund, "Kishlok kurilish bank" and "Ipoteka-bank" banks while ensuring the execution of instructions of the President of our country during visits to the regions and at meetings, were critically analyzed, leaders of these departments were seriously warned. Discrepancy of the position of the head of the Uzbek agency of automobile and river transport and the need for a fundamental review of the Agency's activities were noted. Activities of the ministries of Economy and Finance, the State tax committee are unsatisfactorily. Former heads of the economic complex were unable to coordinate activities of the complex, let the departments of the regional, district and city levels run their course. 

Attention of participants of the meeting was drawn to the necessity of unconditional compliance with the executive discipline in the activities of state and economic management bodies, timely and qualitative execution of certain tasks, functions and instructions, ensuring strict order and discipline in each sphere. Chairman of "Uzbekozikovkatholding" company O.Rustamov, head of "Uzagroexport" society J.Kholmukhamedov and chairman of "Uzbekcharmpoyabzali" association M.Mansurov were dismissed from their posts last week for serious shortcomings in this direction. It was particularly noted that the heads of all ministries and departments, companies and business associations should draw appropriate conclusions from this. 

At the meeting it was emphasized that today's and tomorrow's development of our country's economy largely depends on the quality and results of activities of the ministries included in the Complex of economic development. 

It is emphasized that there are still barriers to the development of entrepreneurship despite the numerous resolutions adopted in recent years on stimulating small business. 

In this regard, the head of the complex – deputy Prime minister Jamshid Kuchkorov was entrusted to comprehensively analyze all problems in the sphere of entrepreneurship and develop proposals on the basis of international best practice jointly with the Chamber of commerce and industry, the Ministry of economy, the Central bank and other ministries and departments, an implementation of which will give a powerful impetus to the development of small business, private property and entrepreneurship in our country. 

At the meeting it was noted with regret that visible results still have not been achieved despite the development and implementation of effective mechanisms, the necessary legal framework on vacant state facilities or previously privatized but now unused buildings and facilities. 

It was entrusted to stop the practice of formal, superficial reform of banking and financial system, to turn it into a sphere operating on the basis of modern methods. "The most important, today the commercial banks of our country, providing the most modern services, should have necessary potential in order to be attractive for each client, compete for him/her", said the head of our state. 

Issues of complete and timely implementation by Complexes of the Cabinet of Ministers, ministries and departments, economic associations of target parameters and measures identified for the second half of this year, as well as development of "road maps" for assessing and achieving indicators for the medium and long term, specific instructions were given. 

At the meeting, reports of the heads of the Cabinet of Ministers' complexes, ministries and departments, companies and associations were heard and discussed, tasks of fully utilizing available reserves and opportunities for addressing shortcomings in consistent development of the economy and ensuring dynamic growth rates were defined. 


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