Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev: sources of income need to be created for people

10452 February 25, 2017 Print Download (PDF 27 Kb)

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has inspected promising projects being implemented in Karshi District's agricultural sector. 

The Nishan kuzgu multi-functional farm in Karshi is setting up a mechanized complex for meat packaging and storage. Foreign-made modern equipment has been installed there. 

This project gives not only economic but also big social effect. Its modern facilities, including a cold storage facility, will ensure meat products' abundance and safety. More than 100 jobs will be created. 

The Head of state said that it was necessary to create such enterprises also in other regions of the country, to improve the work of veterinary and public health services and to strengthen the country's food self-sufficiency. 

The Qorabayir otchilik majmuasi pedigree (horses) farm being established in Yakkabogh District will specialise in breeding horses of the Qorabayir type. In this farm, up to 200 horses will be bred for sale on internal and external markets. More than 40 people will be provided with jobs here. 

The President of the country looked at a project of a stock-raising complex which will be built in Koson District. 

In Qashqadaryo Region, agriculture is developing consistently, and high results are being achieved in stock raising, poultry and fish farming. The creation of multi-functional farms and wide opportunities for private entrepreneurs help to raise the prosperity of the people and to provide quality food products for the population. 

This modern stock-raising complex for two thousand cattle will be of important significance in providing meat and milk not only for the region's inhabitants but also for people of other regions of the country. This complex being built under a 14 billion som project is to start working at full capacity in the first quarter of next year. 

12 hectares of land will be allocated for the construction of the complex, and 750 hectares for growing fodder crops. It is envisaged to produce 4280 tonnes of milk and 210 tonnes of meat a year. 140 jobs will be created there. 

The President paid special attention to the purchase of pedigree cattle for the stock-raising complex, to the introduction of modern technologies for stock raising and the initiation of the processing of milk and meat right there. 

In Kamashi District, a complex will be built for keeping 5 thousand turkeys. On the basis of use of modern technologies, the complex is to raise and supply 20 thousand young turkeys a year. 30 jobs will be created here. The launch of the project is set for December this year. 

It was emphasized that this project was of important significance to giving rural families 100 turkey chicks each and thus creating a source of income for them. 

The Head of state also examined a project of fish farming in the Tolimarjon water reservoir. 

Fish farming is developing dynamically in Qashqadaryo Region. Last year 4.4 thousand tonnes of fish was produced in the region. This year, 10.2 billion soms worth of credits are to be allocated for fish farms there so that fish production reaches 5.2 thousand tonnes. 

A new agro-firm will provide machine-mechanized services for fish farms, and it will also supply young fish and food for fish. 

Young fish raised at the agro-firm will then be released into the reservoir. A 600-tonne cold storage facility, an enterprise for fish processing and a special compound feed production workshop will also be set up there. The agro-firm will process 500 tonnes of fish a year. 90 people will be provided with jobs there. 

It was said that Qashqadaryo Region could raise fish all year round, supply the local population with fish and also start exporting fish. It was emphasized that such agro-firms would help to further develop this sector and create new jobs and also help in implementing the country's food programme. 

A rabbit farm is being created in Kamashi District. It will also be processing rabbit meat and fur. This project being implemented by the Kamashi momiq quyonlari agro-firm will make it possible to raise 8 thousand rabbits and produce 120 tonnes of dietary meat a year. 

30 people will be working at the farm. Moreover, rabbits will be given to 500 families. This will make it possible to provide dietary meat for locals and create an additional source of income for them. 

The Head of state inspected the project of restoration of the Karshi – III phase unit of pump stations. It was said that this project would help in the efficient use of the region's water resources. 

As a result of the implementation of the project, water supplies to 402 hectares of irrigated land will improve. 


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