Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Islam Karimov receives head of US Central Command

8405 June 14, 2016 Print Download (PDF 185 Kb)

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov received General Joseph Votel, the Commander of the US Central Command, at the Oqsaroy on 14 June.

Greeting the guest, who has arrived in our country for the first time in his new position, the President congratulated him with the high and responsible appointment and wished successes in his work.

As was underlined during the talks, a constructive nature of the existing Uzbek-American relations is based on, primarily, mutual interest, including in strengthening security and stability. Regular bilateral exchanges and consultations on different levels allow consistently develop mutually beneficial cooperation, extending its agenda.

Some international and regional issues, including the processes of peaceful settlement of the situation in Afghanistan were discussed at the meeting.

General Joseph Votel expressed gratitude to President Islam Karimov for a warm reception and the possibility to discuss in detail topical issues for both parties and underlined the interest of the US Government in further developing multi-faceted relations between our countries. 



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