Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Dialogue with people is the most efficient mechanism in ensuring human interests

8780 January 28, 2017 Print Download (PDF 30 Kb)

As reported earlier, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Khorezm region on 27-28 January to review the progress in implementing social-economic reforms, creative and improvement works in the regions as well as to have a dialogue with people. 

On the second day of his visit, the Head of our state went to the Khorezm branch of the Republican specialised cardiology centre. 

This medical institution has departments of cardiology, cardio-rehabilitation, cardiac surgery, interventional cardiology, physiotherapy, as well as a polyclinic. 

On the base of this medical institutions, the opening of a branch of A.N. Bakulev Scientific Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery (Moscow, Russia) is planned. This will allow to carry out diagnostics and treatment of heart diseases in new-borns, to render specialised medical aid to over 3 thousand patients annually. This clinic will be a regional cardiology centre for the population of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Khorezm and Bukhara regions. 

Further development of primary healthcare, training of professionals for rural medical centres, early detection of diseases, strengthening prevention efforts, improving the medical culture of people. Such centres, along with treating patients, should contribute to solving these tasks as well, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. 

Around 1100 students are enrolled at the Urgench branch of the Tashkent medical academy. 161 professors and teachers work at 16 departments. 

This branch will be a foundation for a clinic, to be established in cooperation with the Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University. The clinic will have departments of endocrinology, otolaryngology, haematology, allergology, therapy. 

The specialists of this university will not only teach, but also carry out practical work on diagnostics and treatment. This system will allow future doctors to deeply absorb the modern methods of world medicine during the learning process. 

The President of our country has particularly noted that these two institutions, to be created at the Urgench branch of the Tashkent medical academy, will have a huge historical, social significance for the population of Aral Sea area. The centres will contribute to the effective treatment of common diseases in the area, improve the knowledge and skills of health workers and teachers. 

The Head of State visited the construction site of the Ohund-bobo mosque. In a conversation with elders, the issues of spiritual education of young people, further strengthening peace and stability, economic and social reforms under implementation in the region were discussed. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev inspected the work of the People's reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Khorezm region. Each application should be under control, all conditions must be created for the comfort of citizens, the President remarked. 

A presentation of the projects of industrial enterprises, construction of which are planned in Urgench, was held. 

"Mem gilan" foreign enterprise is planning to manufacture infusion solutions, ampoules, tablets and capsules. As a result of this project for the total cost of 29 billion soums, about 200 jobs will be created. Being the single such company in the region, its commissioning will contribute to the reduction of prices of medicines. At the same time, exports of manufactured products for 3.8 million dollars annually are intended. 

"Urganch Makhsus trans" LLC with the assistance of the National Bank of Uzbekistan launched a project for waste processing. It, on the basis of a Chinese technology, will carry out collection, sorting and recycling of 250 thousand tons of waste per year, contributing to environmental protection, health promotion and employment of people. 

"Urg-tex" LLC is implementing a project, aimed at yarn manufacturing. The enterprise, where equipment from Germany and Turkey will be installed, 4 thousand tons of products will be manufactured, 200 new jobs will be created. The company will export products for 6,5 million US dollars annually. 

The Head of our state highlighted the need to create such enterprises in other regions of the country. There a conversation with the managers and staff of pharmacies took place. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, during a pre-election meeting in Khorezm, had proposed to widely celebrate the 100th anniversary of the people's artist of Uzbekistan Komiljon Otaniyozov in 2017, organizing a modern creative centre, to be named after him and a park. 

President examined the lot, where this center is being developed. Instructions on installing a monument of Komiljon Otaniyozov, creation of conditions for the younger generation to learn the secrets of arts, literature, cinema and photography were given. 

A dialogue with veterans, representatives of arts and literature spheres took place at the children's school of music and arts #11. The meeting focused on the issues of comprehensive development of the country, increasing spirituality and strengthening world outlook of the people, improving the quality of life of the population. 

The participants of the meeting expressed gratitude to the Head of state for the attention to developing arts and culture. 

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirizyoyev concluded his visit to the Khorezm region.


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