Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Quality of communal services – an important factor of welfare and life satisfaction of the population

9709 October 3, 2017 Print Download (PDF 29 Kb)

On October 2, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on qualitative communal services for the population, the state of preparation of economic sectors, multifamily housing and social facilities for autumn/winter season. 

It was attended by deputy Prime ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads of relevant ministries and departments. 

At the meeting, activities that are being carried out on radical improvement of housing and communal services for the population, further improvement of the system of operating the housing stock and social facilities, improvement of the quality of activities and ensuring the financial and economic sustainability of private homeowners' associations, were considered. 

The President of our country pays constant attention to these issues, directly affecting the daily life, welfare, health and mood of people. The Ministry of housing and communal services of the Republic of Uzbekistan is established in accordance with the Decree of the Head of our state "On measures of further improving the management of the housing and communal services system" of April 18, 2017. Over the past period, this ministry has carried out certain work on maintenance and repairing of multifamily housing stock, coordination of activities of private homeowners' associations, operation of engineering and communication networks. 

On instructions of the Head of our state, two special working groups, consisting of representatives of relevant ministries and departments, were established. The first group has studied the state of affairs in Andijan, Fergana, Namangan, Jizzakh, Syrdarya, Tashkent regions and the city of Tashkent, the second group – in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Khorezm, Bukhara, Navoi, Samarkand, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya regions. From July 18 to September 30, the execution of certain measures on elimination of existing problems in the sphere was analyzed in each city and district. The main attention during the study was paid to the multifamily housing stock, social facilities, providing drinking water and electricity, heat, natural and liquefied gas, coal supply, sanitation and other issues. Meetings were held with the population, makhalla activists, representatives of educational and healthcare institutions at places, taking into account their suggestions and demands. 

At the meeting, reports of the leaders of the working groups were heard. 

A systematic work has been carried out on ensuring implementation of measures approved by the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures of ensuring comprehensive preparation of economic sectors and social sphere of the republic for sustainable work in autumn/winter period in 2017/2018" of June 22, 2017, in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the city of Tashkent and the regions. Central boiler houses, heating boilers, heat, water, gas and electricity networks have been repaired. 

Roofs of houses were repaired, entrances and cellars were put in order, playgrounds were built, household waste was taken out according to the developed program on preparation of multifamily housing for autumn/winter season. 

Repair activity was also carried out in educational institutions, children's homes, hospitals and other social facilities. 

Communities in remote areas and those without access to gas supply networks were delivered the required number of cylinders with household gas and coal. 

At the meeting, activities carried out on provision of the population and social institutions with electricity and thermal energy, drinking water, natural and liquefied gas, coal, fuel and lubricants, maintenance of multifamily housing, and provision of sewerage services were criticized. Important tasks have been identified on consistently continuing the work carried out in these areas, providing heating for all houses, schools, hospitals and other social facilities in autumn/winter season. 

The President of our country noted the need for a critical review of implementation of programs on preparation for autumn/winter season, targeted implementation of the planned measures, effective use of funds, expansion of the use of energy-saving technologies. It is indicated that activities in this direction should not be carried out in the context of regions and industries, but in each makhalla and each house. 

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev instructed the heads of responsible ministries and departments to complete the work on preparing the housing stock and socio-economic facilities for autumn/winter season, ensuring the uninterrupted supply of electricity, heat, gas, water and other vital resources for the population, improving welfare and life satisfaction of people. 


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