Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда



4847 December 27, 2022 Print Download (PDF 171 Kb)

The 4R-140A connecting the cities of Fergana and Margilan, built in 1976, was in an accident due to the fact that the overpass on the highway to "Fergana city" had not been fully repaired.

This bridge was included in the 2022 repair program, and the construction and assembly work was carried out by the Fergana bridge use unitary enterprise.

    Today, the length of the overpass on the PK48+40 section of the 4R-140A highway to "Fergona city" has been reconstructed to 165 meters in length and 17 meters in width including the footpath.

    As a result of the performed works, the overpass on the highway, which is one of the main routes connecting the cities of Fergana and Margilan, was completed and facilities were created for the residents of the region.

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