Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Bridge construction is developing

8558 October 30, 2017 Print Download (PDF 22 Kb)

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev inspected the overpass constructed at the intersection of the Small ring road and Fargona yuli street in Tashkent. 

Previously, vehicles had to drive a few extra miles in order to get from Fargona yuli street in the city center or in the opposite direction. The Head of our state had visited this place on March 25 and gave instructions on reconstruction of the overpass and construction of a new part to it. The commissioning of this bridge has created immense convenience for drivers, ensured the traffic safety. 

The existing bridge that is 30 meters wide and 346 meters long was reconstructed, a new part with a width of 22 and a length of 281 meters added to it. Pedestrian paths are laid along the sides of the bridge. 

The President asked about the conveniences created for the population due to this overpass, the issues of ensuring the traffic safety. It was noted that such bridges need to be built also in other districts of the capital, first of all, the traffic safety requirements must be taken into account. The Head of our state gave instructions on improvement of the territory adjacent to the bridge, construction of modern buildings corresponding to the appearance of the capital. Attention was paid to the issue of training personnel in bridge construction at Tashkent Institute of Design, Construction and Maintenance of Automotive Roads. 


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