Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


A new mine in Almalyk

7607 August 14, 2017 Print Download (PDF 23 Kb)

On August 11, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in the city of Almalyk. A solemn ceremony devoted to the beginning of activity on the investment project "The second stage of Almalyk mining and metallurgical combine" was held. 

Almalyk mining and metallurgical combine is one of the leading enterprises of our country producing non-ferrous and precious metals. This investment project is implemented in two stages. 

Strengthening of macroeconomic stability, modernization and diversification of the leading sectors of the economy, enhancing its competitiveness through deepening structural reforms are identified as the main priority areas in the Action Strategy on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021. 

In March of this year, President of our country approved the Development Program of Almalyk mining and metallurgical combine for the period until 2030. Within the framework of the program, it is planned to increase copper production 1,4 times, precious metals – by 33%. 

In the process of implementing the project, it is envisaged to move one railway branch to a new location, lay two new railway lines and several roads. A tunnel with a length of 1,4 kilometers and a conveyor with a length of 3,1 kilometers will be built, facilities for production, transport, energy and other infrastructure will be erected. It is planned to build a new copper-concentrating complex, copper electrolysis shops, production of sulfuric acid and other objects. 

The project will be launched at full capacity in 2028. As a result, more than 10 thousand people will be employed. In addition, 9 multi-storey houses for 400 families, a preschool educational institution and 2 hostels for 240 seats will be built for young specialists in 2017-2021. 

The produced products will mainly be exported. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev delivered a speech at the ceremony. 

The subsoil of our country is rich in natural resources, but we are not using it effectively, said the head of our state. We did not pay enough attention to the development of geology. Now we will radically improve the work on development of this industry. 

Time to live by usual standards have passed. Time changes, and we must also change in tune with its rapid pace, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

The head of our state paid special attention to the issue of ensuring this project with highly qualified personnel. The President proposed to name the new mine Yoshlik (Youth), considering the fact of majority of youth working in this industry today. 

The foundation of the complex was laid in a solemn atmosphere.

Activists and youth of the plant expressed their gratitude to the head of our state for the noble work carried out for development of the economy of the regions, improving the living standards and welfare of the population. 


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