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Commemorative events in memory of the First President of Uzbekistan were held in our country

8767 July 28, 2017 Print Download (PDF 22 Kb)

Today – on the eve of the 26th anniversary of independence of our Motherland – commemorative events were held in all regions of our country in memory of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the great state and political figure Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov. 

The head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev took part in one of such events, held in Tashkent. 

At commemorative events, our compatriots and representatives of the general public once again remembered the great merits of Islam Karimov in building an independent Uzbekistan. 

Our people rightly connect all the enormous progress achieved during the years of independence with the name and activity of the First President. Islam Karimov, as a bright, outstanding personality and statesman, enjoyed great respect and authority not only in Uzbekistan, but throughout the world. 

On August 31, 1991 Islam Karimov proclaimed the independence of our Motherland and, despite the difficulties and trials, in a historically short period of time turned Uzbekistan into a modern democratic state, developing with dynamic and sustained pace. 

Islam Abduganiyevich forwarded the noble idea – "Let us leave free and landscaped Motherland to our descendants!", which became the essence and meaning of his life and activity, and this motto took a firm place in the heart of all our people. The First President of Uzbekistan always, in any situation implemented this great task with honor, spared no effort and knowledge. All his life he was guided by the call – we must work and live selflessly in the name of people and the Motherland, his deeds became an inspiring example for future generations. 

Over the past period, great activities have been carried out in our country on perpetuating the immortal memory of the First President, beloved by the multinational people of Uzbekistan. 

The head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev adopted important decisions on creation of monuments to the First President, perpetuation of his memory, organization of the Scientific-educational memorial complex named after Islam Karimov. The Republican charitable public foundation named after Islam Karimov was organized. Taking into account the wishes and will of our people, major institutions and facilities in our country, the central streets of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the city of Tashkent and the regions are named after Islam Karimov. 

Soon, the Scientific-educational memorial complex named after Islam Karimov in Oksaroy residence in Tashkent, the mausoleum on the burial site of Islam Karimov in Samarkand, majestic monuments to the First President in Tashkent, Samarkand and Karshi will be solemnly opened. 

The bright memory of Islam Karimov, his unique talent, foresight, wisdom, courage and nobility, which has become for all of us a symbol of boundless love and devotion to the country and people, will always inspire our people to achieve high goals and milestones. 


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