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Shavkat Mirziyoyev: improvement of villages will change people's outlook, strengthen their desire to live better

15515 April 27, 2018 Print Download (PDF 24 Kb)

On April 26, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting dedicated to issues of qualitative organization and acceleration of activities on improvement of villages in accordance with the program "Obod qishloq" ("Prosperous village"). This was reported by the Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

Due to the lack of an integrated approach to implementation of construction and improvement works, the architectural appearance of rural settlements has ceased to meet modern requirements. The building was run randomly, and infrastructure facilities were abandoned. 

– It is easy to imagine the mood of people living in dysfunctional places with deplorable infrastructure. In general, why should our citizens live in such places? Improvement of villages will change people's outlook, strengthen their desire to live better, raise the economy of villages. As a result, our entire Motherland and the economy will get a powerful impetus to development, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.  

"Obod qishloq" program was developed for phased improvement of all villages of Uzbekistan, based on this experience. The decree and the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 29 of this year identified important tasks and mechanisms for implementation of this program. 

In accordance with the program, this year it is planned to carry out large-scale construction and improvement activities in 2 villages of each district, beginning next year – every year in 3 villages of each district. 

In particular, this year projects on 368 villages have been approved. They provide for repair and improvement of 127 thousand houses, laying 1,9 thousand kilometers of drinking water supply networks, almost 2 thousand kilometers of electric and 263 kilometers of gas supply networks, construction and repair of 850 social facilities and 2,4 thousand objects of market infrastructure, major repairs of 440 kilometers of roads, purchasing 470 modern buses, construction of more than 330 stops and opening new bus routes. 

The President particularly touched upon every aspect of organization, financing, design and qualitative implementation of these large-scale works. Gave instructions on development of master plans for villages, allocating necessary funds for this, and effective organization of activities of special staff.

It was noted that timely and qualitative execution of the program depends on supply of construction materials. Issues of delivery of necessary materials in sufficient quantity and at affordable prices were also discussed. 

Khokimiyats have been tasked to determine the range and volume of construction materials necessary for repairing houses and organize their sale in rural areas. 

Particular attention was paid to the need for increasing the spirituality and legal culture of the population, eliminating dependent mood in some people, explaining importance of improving their own homes on their own. 

Instructions were given for improving the state of engineering communications and social infrastructure at places, ensuring population's need for domestic services, creating new jobs. 

At the meeting, information of responsible persons on measures taken to implement "Obod qishloq" program was heard. Relevant instructions were given on the discussed issues.


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