Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


President of Uzbekistan receives chairman of the Gazprom management committee

6872 March 30, 2017 Print Download (PDF 166 Kb)

On 29 March President of the Republic of Uzbekistan received Alexey Miller, chairman of the management committee of Russian energy company Gazprom, who is in our country with a working visit. 

The Head of our state, greeting the guest, expressed a deep satisfaction with achieved high level of long-term and mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation in the oil and gas sphere. 

Currently Gazprom, which is one of the leading energy companies in the world, actively takes part in implementing large projects on exploration and development of prospective hydrocarbon fields in Uzbekistan, as well as in the sphere of export supplies of natural gas. 

President of Uzbekistan receives chairman of the Gazprom management committee 

In partnership with the Russian company, a mass-scale geological exploration was carried in Ustyurt, following which Jel gas-condensate field has been discovered. Shakhpakhti field is under joint development, where so far over 3,5 billion cubic meters of gas have been extracted. 

Besides, Gazrpom takes part in the implementation of a project on exploration and development of fields in Gissar region, utilization of associated petroleum gas, as well as improving leading industrial design institute of our country – UzLITINEFTEGAZ. 

During the meeting, prospective projects on further expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation for the development of the oil and gas complex of Uzbekistan, including within the framework of the adopted program to increase hydrocarbon production for 2017-2021. 

A particular attention was paid to cooperation in the field of training and professional development of specialists. 

The Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee Alexey Miller expressed a sincere gratitude to the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev for the warm welcome and the full support of joint projects and expressed willingness to develop full-scale cooperation with the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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