Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


President of the Republic of Uzbekistan received the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Strategy and Finance of the Republic of Korea

7350 February 14, 2018 Print Download (PDF 26 Kb)

On February 13, 2018, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Strategy and Finance of the Republic of Korea, co-chairman of bilateral Intergovernmental Commission Kim Dong-yeon, who is in our country on a working visit. 

Warmly welcoming the guest, the President of Uzbekistan noted with deep satisfaction the observed stable dynamics of expanding bilateral multifaceted cooperation, consistent strengthening of centuries-old ties of friendship and strategic partnership between the two countries.

It was emphasized that the historic high-level visit to the Republic of Korea in November 2017 and agreements reached on its results allowed to raise Uzbek-South Korean mutually beneficial cooperation to a qualitatively new level, filling it with concrete practical content. 

Last year, the trade turnover exceeded 1,3 billion dollars. More than 60 investment projects are being prepared and implemented on establishing modern facilities and modernizing infrastructure in Uzbekistan for a total amount of more than $6 billion in accordance with the approved Roadmap. 

South Korean investments amounting to $7 billion were attracted, more than 500 enterprises with participation of companies of the Republic of Korea were established in Uzbekistan over the years of cooperation. 

Joint programs and activities aimed at introduction of advanced South Korean experience, knowledge and technologies into various sectors of the economy and social sphere of Uzbekistan are being actively implemented. Leading experts from the Republic of Korea are involved as consultants and advisors to ministries, departments and organizations of Uzbekistan. 

Cultural-humanitarian, scientific-educational and tourist exchanges are expanding. 

During the meeting, views were exchanged on prospects for further expansion of cooperation in trade, economic, investment, innovation, banking, finance and other spheres. 

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan sincerely congratulated the leadership and people of the Republic of Korea on the beginning of Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang and wished success in conduction of this international sporting event. 

In his turn, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea, co-chairman of Intergovernmental Commission Kim Dong-yeon expressed deep gratitude to the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev for the warm welcome and conveyed greetings and best wishes on behalf of President Moon Jae-in. 

The guest expressed his sincere gratitude to the leadership of Uzbekistan for the decision on introducing a visa-free regime for citizens of the Republic of Korea, which, of course, will significantly increase the flow of tourists to Uzbekistan and strengthen business contacts. 

Following the meeting, Kim Dong-yeon confirmed the readiness of the South Korean side to further strengthen relations of strategic partnership and expand full-scale mutually beneficial cooperation between the two states. 


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