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President of the Republic of Uzbekistan receives credentials from ambassadors of foreign countries

7183 March 1, 2018 Print Download (PDF 29 Kb)

On February 28, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received credentials from ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Irfan Yusuf Shami, the Swiss Confederation Olivier Shave, the Republic of Latvia Mihails Popkovs, the State of Israel Edward Shapira, the Federal Republic of Germany Gunther Overfield, the Slovak Republic Jan Boris and the People's Republic of China Jiang Yan. 

The Head of the state, sincerely congratulating the ambassadors on the beginning of their diplomatic mission in Uzbekistan, wished them great success and high achievements in their responsible activities. 

It was emphasized that Uzbekistan entered a new historical stage of building a free and democratic state with a strong civil society and a dynamically developing market economy. 

Large-scale reforms and transformations initiated within the framework of implementing the Action Strategy have become irreversible. 

It was emphasized that execution of tasks is not possible without implementation of an open foreign policy, building and strengthening multifaceted and mutually beneficial international cooperation. 

In a relatively short period, significant results have been achieved in the sphere of foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Relations with foreign countries, authoritative international and regional organizations reached a qualitatively new level. 

The Head of the state emphasized that Uzbekistan intends to continue to make every effort for ensuring security, stability and sustainable development in the Central Asian region, as well as to continue an open, benevolent and pragmatic foreign policy, primarily in relations with its neighbors. 

A consistent course will also continue on expanding mutually beneficial and long-term partnership with the world's leading countries. 

In his speech, the President of Uzbekistan dwelled on priorities of development and strengthening relations of friendship and practical cooperation with the partner countries represented by newly appointed ambassadors. 

It was emphasized that the Republic of Uzbekistan attaches great importance to development of multifaceted cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, which traditionally plays an important role in issues of ensuring regional security and stability. 

Regular political contacts at the highest level contributed to further developing bilateral cooperation. At the same time, there is a huge potential for the growth of mutual trade and strengthening cooperation in agro-industrial complex, pharmaceutical, leather and other sectors of the economy. 

The Swiss Confederation is a reliable and long-term partner in Europe. 

Today, Uzbek-Swiss relations are successfully developing in various spheres, including politics, economics, finance and banking, culture and education. A fruitful cooperation has been established with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. 

Opportunities for cooperation with the leading Swiss companies in chemical, textile, pharmaceutical, food, healthcare and tourism industries were particularly noted. 

An active political dialogue has been established, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties with the Republic of Latvia are developing. 

A sign of special attention and high respect for the country and people of Uzbekistan are the monuments erected in Riga to the great ancestors Mirzo Ulugbek and Abu Ali ibn Sino. 

Programs and projects in the field of trade, investments and innovations, transport and logistics, energy, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and tourism were mentioned as promising areas. 

President of Uzbekistan noted the interest in developing bilateral cooperation with the State of Israel on principles of mutual respect and consideration of interests. 

Implementation of joint projects in such areas as biotechnology, energy and water conservation, medicine and pharmaceutics, tourism and others on the basis of attracting advanced technologies of Israel, experience and knowledge was proposed. Important attention was paid to the use of great potential in the field of education, culture and sports. 

Active dialogue, close contacts and exchange of experience in all spheres are supported with the Federal Republic of Germany, which is a reliable and long-term partner of Uzbekistan. 

Priority attention was paid to development of long-term and mutually beneficial relations with leading German companies with a view to implementing joint projects in high-tech sectors of the economy of Uzbekistan. 

Importance of expanding cooperation in the spheres of science and education, establishing and developing close contacts between the regions of the two countries was emphasized. 

One of the most promising partners of Uzbekistan in Europe is the Slovak Republic. 

Along with strengthening political dialogue, the Head of the state proposed realization of the existing potential in trade, economic and investment spheres. These are, above all, the joint projects in electrical engineering, pharmaceuticals, production of building materials, chemical and food industries. 

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan noted with deep satisfaction the consistently growing relations of friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership with the People's Republic of China. 

The Uzbek-Chinese meetings at the highest level in Beijing and Astana last year brought bilateral relations to a qualitatively new level, filling them with concrete content. 

The Head of the state emphasized the existing broad opportunities for deepening cooperation in almost all spheres, including in trade and economic, investment, innovation, financial and technical, transport and communication and other areas. 

Importance of further promoting regional projects on development of transport and transit corridors, including construction of Uzbekistan – Kyrgyzstan – China railway, was noted. The readiness for further expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation with China in the field of science, culture, education and tourism was confirmed. 

In conclusion, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev offered the ambassadors of foreign countries to work actively with the ministries, agencies and organizations of the country, visit regions of Uzbekistan more often in order to gain a deeper knowledge of their potential and opportunities, as well as of the rich history and culture of people of Uzbekistan. 

Confidence was expressed that the accumulated experience of work at various responsible posts will allow foreign diplomats to effectively achieve their goals and successfully fulfill an important mission in the interests of strengthening bilateral relations with Uzbekistan. 

In turn, the newly appointed ambassadors expressed their deep gratitude to the President of Uzbekistan for the warm welcome and assured that they will make every effort for development of full-scale and mutually beneficial cooperation between the countries. 


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