Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Vladimir Putin considered the issues of further developing mutually beneficial cooperation

13772 April 6, 2017 Print Download (PDF 29 Kb)

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin continued the talks with the official delegations of the two countries taking part. 

The regularity of visits on a high level demonstrate a high degree of international relations. The current meeting of the leaders of Uzbekistan and Russia was a logical continuation of a productive dialogue, the foundation of which was laid by First President of our country Islam Karimov. 

The issues of further developing cooperation in the spheres of commerce, economy, petrochemicals, transport communications, agriculture, culture, tourism, creating worthy conditions for labor migrants and others were attached attention during the negotiations. 

Uzbekistan and Russia widely support each other in the international arena. The bilateral consultations between foreign policy, foreign trade and defense agencies of the two countries have been steadily continuing. The parties also effectively interact within the framework of the UN, SCO, CIS and other international organizations. 

Trade-economic ties play a key role in the Uzbekistan-Russia relations. In accordance with the Program on economic cooperation for 2013-2017, Intergovernmental agreement on main directions of developing and deepening economic cooperation for 2015-2019, the interactions have been dynamically developing in this sphere. 

Russia occupies a leading position among the commercial partners of Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan exports natural gas, transport vehicles, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, textiles, cotton fiber, fruits and vegetables, various services to Russia. Russia supplies to our country transport vehicles, products of chemical and paper industries, food products. 

961 joint ventures, established in cooperation with Russian partners, operate in Uzbekistan. 64 firms and companies from Russia opened representative offices in our country. 595 businesses, founded jointly with Uzbek partners, effective operate in the Russian Federation. 

The volume of the mutual trade turnover has been consistently improving. 

In the negotiations, held in an open and friendly atmosphere, the parties exchanged views on prospects of further developing cooperation, elevating it to a new level.


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