Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Emomali Rahmon discussed the most important issues of bilateral relations

9497 March 10, 2018 Print Download (PDF 30 Kb)

After the meeting of the Presidents of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, negotiations took place in an expanded format with participation of official delegations. 

Issues of further development of the legal basis for long-term cooperation and maximum involvement of enormous potential in all areas of cooperation were discussed. 

Trade and economic cooperation is developing at a dynamic pace. In 2017, the trade turnover increased by 20 percent and amounted to 240 million US dollars. 

There are 23 enterprises, established with participation of Tajik capital, in Uzbekistan. Business forums are traditionally held in Dushanbe and Tashkent for ensuring direct contacts between the business circles of the two countries. Uzbekistan – Tajikistan business council has been established by chambers of commerce and industry of the two countries. 

The sides exchanged views on expanding cooperation in light industry, food production, building materials, processing fruit and vegetable products and other spheres, creating favorable conditions for transit, expanding interregional cooperation. 

It was noted that the volume of trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan does not correspond to the available opportunities, and that there is a huge potential for bringing it up to 500 million dollars. 

During the negotiations, the need was noted for creating joint ventures and trading houses, supporting foreign trade infrastructures and export-import operations, continuing organization of bilateral business forums and exhibitions of industrial products. "Made in Uzbekistan" exhibition and Uzbek-Tajik business forum organized in Dushanbe was highly appreciated. 

It was noted that special attention should be given to full engagement of common transport and communication capabilities and transit potential of the two countries. In this context, issues of expanding cooperation in this direction, restoration of previous ones and creation of new road, rail and air communication become actual. 

Appropriate ministries and departments were given instructions on effective implementation of agreements, development of measures for expanding cooperation, supporting and encouraging direct contacts between business people. 

It was noted that the sides are equally interested in strengthening interstate cooperation in ensuring security and stability, solving international problems, countering terrorism, extremism and other types of transnational crime. 

At the negotiations, held in the spirit of openness and mutual understanding, the need was noted for rational and fair use of water and energy resources, taking into account the interests of the countries of the region, while respecting generally recognized international norms and standards. 

The state visit of the President of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Tajikistan continues. 

By UzA

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