Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


There are more than 39,000 km of dirt roads in Uzbekistan. There are 425,000 km of such roads in the USA as well - Chairman of the Highways Committee

9504 May 29, 2021 Print Download (PDF 17 Kb)

    At the 15th plenary session of the Senate, Chairman of the Highways Committee, Abdurahmon Abduvaliev, reported that the existing highways in the republic were recalculated and today there are 209,000 km of highways, of which nearly 40,000 km are dirt roads.

    "When we recalculated, it was found that there were 209 thousand km of roads, not 184 thousand.

    Of this, 42,654 km are ours, and the rest are domestic roads and other roads. Today, about 40,000 km of this road has been repaired.

    There are 39,417 km of dirt roads in the republic, which are being gravelled.

    Step by step, we are doing what the whole world is doing, the USA also has 425,000 km of dirt roads.

    We recognize our shortcomings in terms of roads, but our main problem is related to domestic roads," said the chairman of the highways committee.

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