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"Sharq taronalari" brings people and cultures together

8323 August 29, 2017 Print Download (PDF 21 Kb)

On August 28, the opening ceremony of the XI "Sharq taronalari" International Music Festival was held in Samarkand. 

These days the atmosphere of a double holiday reigns in Samarkand – a place of binding different cultures and people. The thorough preparation held for the 26th anniversary of independence of our country and "Sharq taronalari" International Music Festival gave a very special look to the city. The enchanting parks and alleys, well-maintained streets, fragrant flower beds are pleasing eyes and cheering up. Guests of the city from around the world, the joy on their faces say one thing – Samarkand is on the eve of a big holiday.

...The Bibi-Khanym mosque as always is full of guests from abroad – India, Australia, Ecuador, Germany and other countries. They look different, speak different languages, but they are united by a common mood of joy, tranquility and sincere enthusiasm. 

Art – a means of expressing aspirations, joys and cares, inner experiences of a human being. Music is especially strong in this, the language of which is understandable for everyone. Music acquaints and brings people and cultures together, establishes a strong spiritual connection between them. 

Anyone who visits Samarkand today can feel the festive, friendly atmosphere reigning here. "Sharq taronalari" International Music Festival, established on the initiative of the First President of our country Islam Karimov 20 years ago, is held for the eleventh time. 

The festival, organized every two years, serves as a reliable means of ensuring the needs of people of the world in cultural dialogue.

"Sharq taronalari" brings people and cultures together 

Madrasah Sherdor, Tilla-Kori, Mirzo Ulugbek seem even more beautiful and majestic in the rays of the sunset. These historical monuments, which together form a unique ensemble, give the event a special comfort and high spirit. The square is filled with spectators gathered for the opening ceremony of the "Sharq taronalari" International Music Festival. Among them – participants and guests of the festival, fans of art, musicologists, domestic and foreign journalists, tourists. 

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the festival. 

The head of our state, welcoming the participants and guests of "Sharq taronalari" International Music Festival, emphasized the deep humanistic spirit and philosophy, the important role of this festival in strengthening friendship among people, developing cultural dialogue, preserving the traditions of classical music, wished success to the festival.


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