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President held a meeting on the progress of reforms in the education system

43380 August 17, 2017 Print Download (PDF 28 Kb)

On August 16, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the minister of higher and secondary special education I.Majidov, director of the Center for secondary special and professional education M.Kholmukhamedov, minister of public education U.Inoyatov and their deputies and heard their reports for acquaintance with the course of preparation for the new academic year, ensuring mutual integration between schools of general education and institutions of secondary specialized, professional and higher education, the state of activities on introduction of the system of 11-year secondary education, radically reforming the system of secondary specialized, professional education, organization of activities of new higher educational institutions, and branches. 

The meeting was attended by the State advisor to the President A.Yunuskhodjayev, deputy Prime minister J.Kuchkarov and chairman of the Accounting chamber M.Ikramov. 

The course of execution of instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on radical reforming of the system of secondary, secondary special and professional education was considered. 

According to the planned task, activity on continuing education of graduates of the 9th grades of general education schools at their own volition in the 10th grades, their coverage by secondary special and professional educational institutions, is consistently continuing. 

According to the curriculum it is determined that students of the 10th grade will study general subjects 5 days a week and 1 day – subjects related to professions. Educational and production complexes will be organized in 1103 schools for 2703 schools located far from professional colleges, and for 6656 schools – in 615 colleges. 

There is a need for 22 thousand teachers in connection with opening of the 10th grade in schools. It is planned that 9,5 thousand of them will be staffed at the expense of graduates of higher educational institutions, 13 thousand – by attracting teachers from lyceums and colleges. 

Short-term courses for improving qualifications are established from 2017-2018 academic year for updating and deepening of professional knowledge of 116 thousand teachers who will teach in the 10th grades. 

8,5 million copies of textbooks and teaching aids have been published for students of the 10th grade, which are being delivered to educational institutions these days. 

A vertical system has been established on preparing educational institutions for the new school year. Responsible persons – 14 specialists from the ministry have been assigned to the regions, 195 specialists from the territorial offices of public education to districts and cities and from district and city departments of public education to each school. 

"Presidential gifts" consisting of school bags with educational supplies of 12 items, which are completely delivered to places, have been prepared for 650 thousand students, who will be admitted to the 1st grade this year. 

The Ministry of higher and secondary special education, in conjunction with the Center for secondary special and professional education, is carrying out work on opening and establishing activities of one academic lyceum at each higher educational institution for organizing selection of gifted and talented students and their targeted training in higher educational institutions. 

Secondary special, professional educational institutions are assigned to the branch ministries and state committees. 

New branches of 3 higher educational institutions and 1 higher educational institution will be created on the basis of 7 colleges and academic lyceums in connection with the introduction of 10-11 grades, in order to effectively use the existing material and technical base of colleges after reduction in the contingent. 

At the meeting, special attention was paid to issues of exemption of professors and teachers of higher educational institutions from excessive reporting, various bureaucratic instructions, direction of their scientific potential for further improvement of the content and quality of education, and scientific-research work. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev focused on issues of radical improvement of activities of preschool educational institutions, studying of the most advanced foreign experience, creation of a modern system. It was noted that creation of comprehensive conditions for receiving modern education by children of preschool age, taking into account their interests and aspirations, expanding their outlook, developing independent thinking skills, introducing national and universal values into their minds, as well as their education in the spirit of love for the Motherland, formation of pure thoughts and aspirations are among the most important, most actual issues of today. After all, knowledge of our children at school, achievement of high goals in the future will depend, in many ways, on education received in a preschool institution. 

At the meeting, the head of our state defined the tasks on radical structural reforming of preschool educational system, organization of a governance structure, development of a separate program aimed at 100% coverage of children by these institutions, on provision of a number of benefits to primary educational institutions, as well as a radical qualitative change in the content of education in institutions of improvement of professional skills under the Ministry of public education, transferring them to the structure of the leading higher educational institutions by means of this organization of teaching by the most experienced professor-teachers to teachers of secondary general educational schools. 

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev gave corresponding instructions to the heads of ministries and departments on qualitative preparation by August 25 of all educational institutions for the new academic year and the autumn-winter season, as well as completion of construction and repair work and activities on equipping of educational facilities included in the Investment program, heads of responsible organizations – on preparation of appropriate draft decisions on all the discussed issues. 


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