Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


The main goal is to ensure peaceful and tranquil life of people

5708 January 11, 2019 Print Download (PDF 25 Kb)

On January 10, a meeting on further tasks of ensuring peace and public security in the country and preventing crime was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

In the current conditions of globalization, more and more new challenges and threats appear, the forms, methods and means of committing crimes are changing. Taking this into account, more than 100 legislative acts have been adopted in the country over the past two years.

In particular, the structure of internal affairs bodies has been reformed. "Safe City", "Safe Tourism", "Safe House" systems have been introduced, 24-hour patrol service has been established. As a result, crime last year has decreased by 33 percent.

As a result of taken measures, faith in justice and the rule of law are awakening in people. However, no one has the right to indulge in tranquility, much remains to be done, said the Head of the state. 

At the meeting, the need was noted for bringing the work on curbing crime to a qualitatively new level. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was given instruction on development of a roadmap for eliminating the existing shortcomings based on in-depth analysis.

As it is known, last year we introduced a reward system for qualitative and penalties for ineffective work. Today it is time to summarize activities, the President said.

Instructions were given on material incentives for the heads of ten departments of internal affairs – the cities of Shirin and Gulistan, Shakhrisabz, Yangiyul, Kegeyli, Kanlykul, Khavast, Sardob, Mirabad, Urtachirchik districts, who achieved high results in curbing crime, and taking measures of disciplinary penalty for the heads of ten departments of internal affairs – Nurata, Nishan, Ellikkala, Pakhtaabad, Dustlik, Pakhtakor, Izbaskan, Bostanlyk, Buvayda, Kuyichirchik districts, who showed low results in this direction.

It was noted that henceforth the khokims should personally participate in daily discussion of the situation related to crime, and Kengashes (Councils) of people's deputies at places should analyze it and contribute to elimination of causes and conditions, facilitating the commission of crimes.


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