Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Special Republican Commission's Decision

9169 April 2, 2020 Print Download (PDF 18 Kb)

In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Special Republican Commission for Preparation of a Program of Measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus implements necessary tasks to ensure the sanitary-epidemiological wellbeing of the population and restore people's health.

Recommendations and consultations of the World Health Organization and experts from countries with experience in the fight against coronavirus, such as China and South Korea, are strictly followed. In order to reliably protect the population from epidemic, especially the elderly, a decision was taken by the Special Republican Commission, according to which certain requirements are set.

Starting April 1, a self-isolation regime has been introduced in Tashkent, Nukus and regional centers. Persons over 65 are strictly forbidden to leave the house. They can only go to nearby pharmacies or stores.

Against the background of the fight against coronavirus infection, many compatriots and public organizations, taking personal initiative, are conducting various charity events. They are delivering food products to families in need, elderly people living alone and people with disabilities. It is gratifying that there is unity in society, citizens are paying attention and providing assistance.

However, according to experts, during such actions, the risk of further spread of COVID-19 virus increases. In addition, majority of people who have died from this infection worldwide are elderly.

Taking into account the epidemiological situation in the country, holding charity events privately, ignoring the rules of sanitation, hygiene and quarantine requirements is a serious danger to life of the population.

From April 1, it is advisable to temporarily stop holding charity events privately. Taking into account citizens' opinions wishing to help, the Center for Coordinating Sponsorship Activities under the Ministry for Supporting Mahalla and Family, such events will be held centrally.

The Center for Coordinating Sponsorship Activities in Tashkent will be opened at Uzexpocentre National Exhibition Complex. 

It is recommended to transfer funds to "O'zbekiston mehr-shafqat va salomatlik" Public Foundation.

All these rules must be strictly observed!


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