Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the city of Kokand

10825 June 23, 2017 Print Download (PDF 26 Kb)

On June 22, an electric train left for Kokand from Margilan for the first time. The head of our state arrived in Kokand by this train. 

The President got acquainted with economic projects of "Shaffof metan sanoat" LLC in the city of Kokand. 

The number of vehicles is increasing with the growing welfare of people in our country. Production of cylinders for compressed and liquefied gas is expanding in order to ensure their demand for fuel. 

"Shaffof metan sanoat" LLC plans to create a modern enterprise of such profile in the city of Kokand. For this, modern equipment will be installed in the empty buildings of the former "Kukonmash" plant, production of 100 thousand pieces of gas cylinders per year and their installation in vehicles will be established. 30 workplaces will be created in the enterprise. 

The head of our state asked about the demand for this product. With the increase of vehicles using gas, demand for petrol and diesel fuel will decrease. As a result, the cost of services in the sphere will decrease, opportunities will expand, said the President. 

Instructions were given on reducing the cost of production, increasing twice the volume of production, training specialists for the sphere. 

A number of projects on development of handicraft and tourism are also envisaged in the city of Kokand. In particular, it is planned to create centers of handicraft and jewelry business, construction of modern hotels, which are of great importance in providing employment of the population and improving well-being. They will be granted a number of tax benefits. 

Another project planned for implementation in the city is creation of a Wi-Fi network, which will provide additional convenience for people of Kokand and tourists. 

A new center of medical services and inpatient treatment will contribute to ensuring human interests. Modern medical equipment of the "General Electric" company (USA) will be installed here. The center will be able to provide treatment for 25,500 patients and 500 surgical operations per year. 

The President of our country noted the need to speed up the construction of this complex. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the investment project for the production of finished leather with polyurethane coating on the basis of "Imano group" company. With implementation of the project, it will be possible to organize 250 workplaces. 

We are insufficiently using available opportunities, said the head of our state. Uninterrupted supply of enterprises with raw materials, attraction of the population to this process is important. It is necessary to organize enterprises specialized in collection of raw leather, its qualitative provision and supply to processors. 

In accordance with the Decree of the President of our country "On establishment of free economic zones "Urgut", "Gijduvan", "Kokand" and "Khazarasp" of January 12, 2017, a free economic zone is being built in Kokand. Information was provided on projects planned for implementation in the given territory. According to the plan, enterprises on production of textile, food, furniture, printing, leather and footwear products and building materials, mechanical and electrical engineering, pharmaceuticals will be established here. 

Presentation of projects that will be implemented by commercial banks and aimed at creating a cluster of integrated waste management was held. 


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