Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Initiative, striving for high results, strict observance of discipline – important factor in execution of the assigned tasks

8027 August 10, 2017 Print Download (PDF 32 Kb)

On August 9, a videoconference under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev was held in Tashkent. It was devoted to the execution of tasks over the past 7 months of this year and achievement of the goals outlined in the Action Strategy for the development of our country, in renewal of all spheres of the state and society life, liberalization of the economy and creation of decent living conditions for the population, as well as during the dialogues of the head of our state with people at places. 

It was attended by the heads of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Prime Minister and his deputies, heads of ministries and departments. Chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of the regions and the city of Tashkent, the districts, responsible persons of industries took part in the event through a videoconference. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that more than 20 laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 180 decrees and 450 resolutions of the President of the country aimed at development of the country have been adopted over the past period. This process is continuing and it is necessary to increase responsibility of the leaders of all levels for ensuring the execution of these normative-legal acts in practice. 

As the head of our state emphasized, meetings with the population held at places, reports of the Prime Minister and his deputies, ministers, heads of industries and khokims show that shortcomings and problems in the regions have not yet been completely eliminated. 

One of the main reasons of this is that effective interaction between the central and local authorities and the lower level that are the main executor, is still not ensured. Most of the responsible persons are limited only to solving specific obvious problems or executing instructions from above, do not show initiative in comprehensive solution of problems. 

Another reason is that, due to the lack of an appropriate coordination of official trips of representatives of central departments in the regions, most of them duplicate each other. Heads at places, who are forced to accompany representatives of the center are distracted from their immediate duties. 

At the same time, due attention is not paid to a critical analysis of the real situation when assessing socio-economic reforms at places. When developing programs for socio-economic development of the regions, their specific features, raw materials, level of development and needs are not fully taken into account. 

Along with this, the mechanisms of formation and distribution of the republican and local budgets, development and implementation of investment programs do not provide targeted and timely financing of priority projects. 

Also in many organizations and institutions, only conduction of meetings and adoption of not carefully thought out decisions are observed instead of implementing the most important programs of socio-economic development. Time is spent on paperwork instead of dealing with practical matters. 

In this regard, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized the need to drastically reduce the meetings held by the deputy Prime ministers, ministries and departments, economic associations and khokimiyats, excluding the practice of inviting heads of the state bodies, public organizations and other institutions that are not directly related to the issues under consideration. 

Prime Minister A.Aripov and Prosecutor General I.Abdullayev are assigned the task of developing a resolution of the government on drastic reduction of meetings, paperwork, formalism and reporting, on wide use of modern information technologies in the exchange of data in the activities of the state bodies, special control over its implementation. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that a special working group for situation assessment at places has studied the situation in eight regions and had revealed a number of shortcomings and problems. In particular, provision of drinking water is unsatisfactory in some districts of Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Bukhara, Jizzakh and Navoi regions. It is necessary to repair the roof of multi-storey houses. The sewage system has failed and territories adjacent to houses are not being properly maintained. 

The heat supply system is almost not working in all regional centers. Overhaul of power transmission networks and transformer points is delayed in most cities and districts. There is still a high demand for additional liquefied gas, gas cylinders and special vehicles for their transportation. 

In the regions, activity on collection, transportation, processing, recycling of domestic wastes is not systematically organized. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that deputies of the Prime Minister, members of the government, heads of the state and economic management bodies, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of the regions, districts and cities should personally pay attention to problems and shortcomings at places. 

As it was noted at the meeting, work on reduction of energy costs and unnecessary production costs is not properly conducted in "Uzdonmahsulot", "Uzbekneftgaz", "Uzkimyosanoat" enterprises and other industries. As a result, the profitability and competitiveness of products remain low, production volumes decreased by 645 billion sums at 63 large enterprises in the sphere of electrical engineering, light and chemical industries. 

Proceeding from this, the economic complex of the Cabinet of Ministers is entrusted with organizing a systemic solution of financial and economic problems at places. At the same time, it is necessary to unite efforts of the economic complex agencies at places, expand their participation and increase their sense of belonging to the regional development, in particular, organization of new enterprises and new workplaces, and thereby improve the living conditions of the population. 

The head of our state gave instructions on establishment of an exemplary work of the economic complex in one area in all regions within two months and further ensuring the implementation of this practice in all cities and districts. 

At the meeting, activities in the sphere of providing a spiritual atmosphere at places, which has a serious impact on the life of society and stable development of our country, were discussed. 

It was noted that expected results are still not fully achieved despite the introduction of new methods of visiting each family and involving the general public in order to improve the spiritual atmosphere in all regions, in each makhalla and family. For example, juvenile delinquency has increased in Fergana region. In general, 129 crimes have been committed by minors in the region over the past 7 months. Facts of illegal religious home education of underage children were revealed in 10 cities and districts of the region. 

Heads of the Women's committee, the Ministry of public education, the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan, the "Nuroniy" foundation and makhallas are directly responsible for this. 

A number of new mechanisms and methods are being introduced into the activities of local authorities according to the recently adopted resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on priority measures of ensuring accelerated socio-economic development of the regions. In particular, the Prime Minister and his deputies are once again assigned to the territories. These leaders should coordinate activities of the state governing and economic management bodies, establish their interaction with local khokimiyats in order to effectively solve problems in the respective territories. 

It is known that sectors on issues of complex development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and districts are organized. They are governed by khokims, heads of prosecutor's offices, internal affairs and tax departments. Activities of these sectors are organized in sequence of "makhalla – district – region – republic", their functions are defined. 

The head of the sector, at least once every quarter, should visit each family on the territory assigned to him at the level of the makhalla, study and record the situation, the social environment, the attitude to the upbringing of children, measures and proposals on solving the identified problems. 

It is necessary to prepare proposals on introducing unresolved on-site problems into the development program of the district, the region and the republic. 

At the same time, based on the analysis of problems identified in makhallas, "road maps" on socio-economic development of the district should be developed and implemented. 

It is necessary to develop "road maps" for socio-economic development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent according to problems identified in the districts and subject to solution at the regional level. 

It is also necessary to analyze the effectiveness of implementation of the "road maps" of territories, develop state and territorial programs, introduce the system to the head of the state each quarter, at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers. 

Another issue is that it is necessary to introduce a system of hearing reports of sector leaders at the meetings of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, sessions of the regional, district and city Kengashes of people's deputies. This will become an important factor for increasing their responsibility. 

It is necessary to widely cover up the activities of sectors in the mass media, to inform the population about the results of their work. On this issue, the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan and the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan were entrusted to create individual programs on central and local TV and radio channels, special headings in newspapers and magazines for covering up activities carried out by sectors at places. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev drew attention of the meeting participants to the fact that the practice of conducting meetings on the results of each quarter at the country, regional and industrial scale became obsolete, and emphasized that there is a need to develop and introduce a new concept into practice. 

At the same time, it is necessary to pay special attention to definition of concrete measures on addressing actual issues raised by citizens, business entities, the degree of influence of taken measures and results achieved on the quality of life of the population. 

As the President of Uzbekistan noted, the focus of constant attention should be on the issue of increasing responsibility of the heads of the state governing and economic management bodies in complex development of territories, solving existing problems at places. 

Proceeding from this, a proposal was made on establishment of a special commission for the introduction of a new mechanism on studying the state of development of the regions, sectors of the economy and the social sphere. In accordance with this, the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Economy and Finance are assigned the task on development of the concept for summing up the results of the socio-economic development of the country jointly with other responsible departments in a week. 

New tasks for the renewal and development of our country, in particular, improvement of activities of the state bodies, first of all require dedication, initiative and strict discipline from all leaders, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. 

As the President stated, the issue of observance of discipline was studied in all regions, it was revealed that strict exactingness and control are not ensured at places, as a result of which discipline, including executive and labor discipline have significantly weakened in khokimiyats and departments. In particular, measures developed in almost all khokimiyats and subordinate institutions on organizing the implementation of governmental resolutions do not ensure full implementation of the outlined tasks. 

In this regard, instructions were given on strengthening control over the strict observance of executive and labor discipline in state bodies, enterprises, organizations, increasing responsibility of managers who admit shortcomings, taking strict measures against those who did not draw the appropriate conclusions. 

Henceforth exactingness, control, issues of study and discipline should be under even closer scrutiny. The results of activities of managers at all levels will be evaluated on the basis of these criteria. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized that less than 5 months left until the end of the year, now the most important task of the heads of each level is to ensure timely and qualitative execution of all forecast and target indicators, programs and instructions scheduled for 9 months and in general for 2017, especially the instructions given during the trips to the regions. 

Speakers of the meeting expressed confidence that the new system initiated by the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on assessment of the results of socio-economic development of the country, strengthening discipline will increase the responsibility of managers to a new level, noted that all leaders, having drawn the appropriate conclusions from all that was mentioned at the meeting, will actively take measures on dynamic development of their industries or territories, not only for the current, but also for the medium and long term, which is important in unconditional execution of the assigned tasks. 


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