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Honor and respect – to selfless and caring teachers

8591 October 2, 2017 Print Download (PDF 29 Kb)

Educating youth as personalities with deep spirituality, high intellectual potential largely depends on selfless, dedicated teachers, caring mentors. This is once again confirmed these days, when our country is widely celebrating October 1 – Teachers' and Mentors' Day. 

On the eve of the national holiday, the best teachers of educational institutions of our country, scientists, spiritual propagandists, representatives of the general public were invited to the capital. Meetings, dialogues and conferences are devoted to issues of improving the quality of teaching, bringing up the younger generation as worthy successors to our great ancestors, the role and responsibility of teachers for protecting youth from ideas alien to our national way of life and spirituality, tasks for the future are defined. 

On September 29, teachers and mentors laid flowers at the monument to the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. Then they got acquainted with the enlightenment institutions of our country, including the Museum of History of Uzbekistan, visited the Mustakillik square and laid flowers to the Monument of Independence and Humanism, which is a symbol of our freedom, bright future and noble aspirations.

On this day, a solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of Teachers and Mentors was held at Turkiston Palace in Tashkent. It was attended by senators, deputies, employees of the ministries of education, higher and secondary special education, culture, Heroes of Uzbekistan, teachers of higher educational institutions, schools, academic lyceums and professional colleges, sports coaches. 

A congratulatory message of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the teachers and mentors was read by the State Advisor to the President H.Sultanov. 

One of the priority directions of the state policy of the First President of our country Islam Karimov was the radical reform of the education sector, educating country's youth not inferior to anyone, physically and spiritually healthy, independently thinking individuals. This noble work is now consistently continuing in accordance with the demands of the times. 

Special attention in the Strategy of actions on five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 is paid to further improving the education system, construction, reconstruction of educational institutions, expanding the system of preschool educational institutions, radically improving the quality of general secondary education. 

Practical proposals forwarded by the Head of our state at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly on education and upbringing of the younger generation, their rights and interests are another practical evidence of great attention to youth in our country. Based on an analytical, scientific approach, these ideas and initiatives increase the responsibility of our country's teachers for educating the younger generation. 

The Ministry of public education of the Republic of Uzbekistan conducts educational projects, creative competitions, conferences of teachers aimed at improving the professional skills of teachers. "The best teacher of the year", "The best school of the year", "The best psychologist of the year", "The best mentor of the year" contests are an important factor in popularizing best practices in the sphere, and in all-round support of selfless teachers.

A group of highly distinguished workers of the sphere of education was awarded honorary titles, orders and medals by a Decree of the Head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev of September 27, 2017. 

At the event, winners of the "The best teacher of the year" contest, conducted by the Ministry of public education, "The best teacher of higher educational institution" contest, organized by the Ministry of higher and secondary special education, as well as the best teachers of secondary special and professional educational institutions were awarded diplomas and prizes. 

Concert program with participation of masters of arts and young singers was presented. 

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan N.Yuldoshev, the Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan N.Ismoilov, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Aripov, the State Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Yunuskhodjayev. 


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