Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


INFORMATION on the implementation of investment projects in 2020 with the participation of funds from International Financial Institutions

2505 February 11, 2021 Print Download (PDF 10 Kb)

    In 2020, the Committee for Roads, within the investment projects implemented in the field of construction and reconstruction of public roads, with the participation of loan funds from International Financial Institutions, disbursed USD 94.6 million. Including due to road construction works under the following projects:

- "Reconstruction of A-380 "Guzar-Bukhara-Nukus-Beyneu" road on the section 228-315 km (87 km)" - 11.7 million USD (loan funds from the Asian Development Bank);

- "Development of local roads in Tashkent, Andijan, Fergana and Namangan regions" - 48.5 million USD (loan funds from the International Development Association (World Bank Group);

- "Reconstruction of A373 "Tashkent-Osh" road on the 173-176 km section" - USD 8.8 million (loan funds from the Asian Development Bank, saved within the project "Reconstruction of the A-373 "Tashkent-Osh" road on 116-190 km section);

- "Reconstruction of the M39 "Almaty-Bishkek-Tashkent-Shakhrisabz-Termez" road on the sections 1395-1400 km and 1410-1426 km (21 km)" - USD 9.5 million (loan funds of the Islamic Development Bank, saved within the project "Reconstruction of the M39 "Almaty-Bishkek-Tashkent-Shahrisabz-Termez" road on sections 1330-1395 km, 1400-1410 km and 1426-1451 km (total 100 km). This road passes through Boysun, Sherobod and Angor districts of Surkhandarya region;

- "Reconstruction of the 4P87 "Guzar-Chim-Kokdala" road on the section 38-73 km (35 km)" - 16.1 million USD (loan funds from the Saudi Fund for Development and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development).

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