Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда



1877 December 5, 2022 Print Download (PDF 13 Kb)

COUNTRY: Republic of Uzbekistan

NAME OF PROJECT: Reconstruction and Upgrading of M39 Road 1255-1315 km

SECTOR: Transport


Mode of Financing: Instalment Sale

Financing No. UZB-0086


The Republic of Uzbekistan has applied for financing in the amount of USD 106.7 mln equivalent from the Islamic Development Bank toward the cost of the Reconstruction and Upgrading of M39 Road Project, 1255 - 1315 km, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project. This project will be jointly financed by the Islamic Development Bank and OPEC Fund for International Development.


The project will include the following components:


Component 1. Civil Works for the Construction of Roads to be procured through ICB following pre-qualification.

Component 2. Detailed Design Review and Supervision to be selected through the Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) method among the IsDB member countries short-listed consultancy firms

Component 3. Project Management Support. The Project expenses to be procured through the Shopping and the key staff to be selected through the Individual Consultant selection method. 

Component 4. Capacity Development to be selected through the Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) method among the IsDB member countries short-listed consultancy firms, as well as International Individual Consultant selection method.

Component 5. Weigh in Motion System to be procured through ICB.

Component 6. Project Financial Audit will be selected through the Least-Cost Selection (LCS) method among the local short-listed consultancy firms.


Procurement of contracts financed by the Islamic Development Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the Guidelines for Procurement of Goods, Works and related services under Islamic Development Bank Project Financing (April 2019), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the guidelines. Consulting services will be selected in accordance with the Guidelines for the Procurement of Consultant Services under Islamic Development Bank Project Financing (April 2019).


Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the Islamic Development Bank's international competitive bidding (ICB) procedures and for contracts for consultancy services will be announced, as they become available, in IsDB Website, DgMarket, web-site of the Executing Agency, and local newspapers.



Interested eligible firms and individuals who would wish to be considered for the provision of goods, works and consulting services for the above-mentioned project, or those requiring additional information, should contact the Beneficiary at the address below:


Name of office: "Avtoyulinvest" Agency under the Committee for Roads under Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Name of officer and title: Zufar Ismatullaev, Director of "Avtoyulinvest" Agency under the Committee for Roads

Address: Mustakillik avenue 68A, 100000, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

Telephone:      +(99871) 237-03-94; +(99871) 237-03-96

E-mail: piuisdb60km@gmail.com; info@uzavtoyul.uz

Web site: www.uzavtoyul.uz

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