Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Agricultural engineering industry to emerge amid impending new enterprises

4833 July 15, 2019 Print Download (PDF 27 Kb)

On July 12, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Tashkent Plant of Agricultural Machinery.

In the agricultural industry, machinery is quite instrumental in ensuring quality and efficiency. I the past, due to insufficient attention to the production of a wide range of agricultural equipment and deep localization, no more than 2-3 percent of the fleet of vehicles annually used to be updated. Production stopped at the Tashkent Plant of Agricultural Machinery, its buildings and manufacturing lines were abandoned.

The President's trip to this venue marks the dawn of a major transformation. New enterprises are intended to be commissioned here, affording impetus to the development of full-fledged agricultural engineering industry.

In particular, to increase the level of localization and import substitution, the plans envisage the establishment of five enterprises.

They include a foundry production line worth $ 42 million. This enterprise, being created on the basis of one of the empty buildings with an area of 3 hectares, will be used for high-precision casting of 47 thousand tons of metal products meeting international requirements.

The head of state visited this building.

"Foundry capacities are extremely crucial for machine building enterprises. Without them, neither localization nor expansion of the product range and cost reduction are possible. The commissioning of these enterprises will increase the competitiveness of our equipment, and farmers will receive affordable goods," Shavkat Mirziyoyev suggested.

Another 4 projects totaling $ 24 million are aimed at mastering the production of transmission shafts, wheels, cabs and fasteners.

As a result of the implementation of these projects, the level of localization in the industry will be increased to 60 percent, a reduction in production costs by 32 percent and imports by $ 116 million a year are expected.

At the same time, the new capacities will supply components not only to the enterprises of Uzagrotekhsanoatholding JSC, but also to manufacturers of cars, trucks and buses that are part of the Uzavtosanoat system, on the basis of industrial cooperation.

The President urged to speed up the implementation of projects and insisted that the enterprises be put into operation as early as next year.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized himself with the technological process in the workshops for assembling tractors and welding units, inspected the production at the Uzbek-German joint venture UzClaasAgro. The head of our state gave instructions on increasing the level of localization, mastering the release of new types of products and components.


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