Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Visit of Japanese delegation

9481 August 3, 2016 Print Download (PDF 26 Kb)

A multilateral cooperation has been developing dynamically between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Japan. 

Akie Abe, wife of Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe, and a delegation of Japanese culture and arts representatives arrived in our country on 3 August 2016 with an aim of further developing and enhancing mutual cooperation of the two countries in a cultural-humanitarian sphere. 

Japan PM's wife Akie Abe was greeted by wife of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tatyana Karimova at the Tashkent International Airport. 

Uzbek-Japanese relations are steadily developing in the spirit of the Joint declaration on friendship, strategic partnership and cooperation, signed during the official visit of the President of our country to Japan in July 2002. Official visits of the head of our state to Japan in February 2011 and Prime Minister of Japan to Uzbekistan in October 2015 elevated the relations between our countries to a new level. 

Cultural-humanitarian ties have a significant role in strengthening relations between our countries. Projects in social-economic and cultural spheres are under implementation within the "Official development assistance" program and via Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The days of Uzbekistan culture and cinema are held in Japan. Artists from Japan actively take part in international forums, in particular, international music festival "Sharq taronalari", held in our country. 

Installation of the monument in Tokyo to our great ancestor- outstanding poet and thinker Alisher Navoi, creation of the Japanese Garden in Tashkent, naming the International caravan-saray of culture of the Academy of arts of Uzbekistan after Japanese scientist and artist Ikuo Hirayama are a demonstration of cultural proximity of our nations in the sphere of arts. 

The program of the visit of the Japanese delegation includes visits to burial sites of Japanese interns, the Museum of applied arts of Uzbekistan, and attending a concert of the Japanese "Drum Tao" ensemble at the Alisher Navoi State academic grand theatre.



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