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Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) Consultancy Services for External Financial Audit

1275 October 14, 2022 Print Download (PDF 15 Kb)


Project Number


Project Name

National Road Development Project

Assignment Title

External Auditor for audit of project account


Republic of Uzbekistan


The Government of Republic of Uzbekistan has applied for financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in the form of a loan toward the cost of National Road Development Project and it intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan for consulting services on financial audit to be procured under this project. The Road Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan through Project Management Unit (the Client) requires an annual external audit to be conducted by an independent firm of auditors (Auditor) to audit the ADB assisted project annual financial statements. This service covers 3 years' period.


The basic responsibilities of the Auditor are, but not limited to the following: (i) Providing reasonable assurance that the financial statements audited by them represent a true and fair view, have been prepared in accordance with the Agreed Project Accounting Policies, local requirements, and are in accordance with the authorities that govern them; (ii) Identifying, assessing and examining risks to regularity, propriety and financial control and report on significant weaknesses; (iii) Providing constructive advice that will help the Project(s) to improve governance, including financial management, control and reporting; (iv) Collect and review policies, procedures, plans, and forms used within the Project(s) in accordance with Agreed Project Accounting Policies and any other Guidelines for the Financial Governance and Management of Investment Projects Financed by ADB; (v) Provide a Final Audit Report and Management Letter, which are acceptable to the Client and ADB in terms of quality and compliance with Terms of Reference (TOR).


The Committee for Roads under the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan now invites eligible consulting firms (Consultants) to express their interest in providing the external audit services for audit of project account. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services.


The shortlisting criteria are as follows:

I. Management Competence. Capabilities and skills in quality control, coordination of project management, as well as management approach and methodology of the Consultant (Max Score=15);

II. Technical Competence. General and similar work experience of the Consultant (Max Score=70);

III. Geographic Competence. Work experience in Uzbekistan and CIS countries, as well as availability local office in order to ensure a permanent presence of the Consultant (Max Score=15).


More details on the services are provided in the TOR attached to attached Consulting Services Recruitment Notice (CSRN) at ADB's Consultant Management System (CMS).


Consultants may submit their Expression of Interests (EOI) as an individual firm or in association in the form of a joint venture or sub-consultancy. All the members of the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire assignment. However, the experience of sub-consultant will not be considered while short-listing.


A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Least-cost selection (LCS) method set out in the Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers (Goods, Works, Nonconsulting and Consulting Services), 2017.


EOI shall be submitted through ADB's CMS (www.cms.adb.org) as directed in the CSRN (www.csrn.adb.org) until November 18, 2022.


As part of the EOI, the consultant should include the information of the consulting firm in ADB CSRN.


Additional information can be obtained at the address below:

The Committee for Roads

68, Mustakillik Avenue, Tashkent

Tel: (99871) 268-99-68

E-mail: surkhandarya.project@gmail.com

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