Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Senate members convene for plenary session in Tashkent

10049 August 24, 2016 Print Download (PDF 578 Kb)

The sixth plenary session of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan opened on 24 August 2016 in Tashkent. It is also attended by invited members of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of ministries and agencies, representatives of other organizations, civil society institutions and the press. 

Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis N.Yuldoshev presided at the session. 

Participants of the plenary session, being held on the eve of the 25th anniversary of state independence, heard the report of the Chairman of the Senate N.Yuldoshev on the results of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis for the past period and priority tasks for upcoming years in relation to the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

Then in accordance with the agenda of the plenary session, senators started considering draft laws, aimed at steady reforms and democratization of all spheres of social, political and economic life of the country. 

On the first day of the session, Senators considered the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On state youth policy". It was noted that this law is aimed at further improvement of the legal framework, systematizing direct action of the basic provisions, the legal mechanisms of formation and implementation of youth policy in a single legislative act. 

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The law with regard to modern requirements sets up the priority directions of state youth policy, which include: ensuring social, economic, political and other rights and interests, accessible and quality education of youth, promotion of physical, intellectual and moral development of the young generation creation of conditions for employment of young people, upbringing them in the spirit of respect for the laws, national and universal values, protection from the actions and ideas that lead to the undermining of the moral foundations, radicalism, violence and cruelty, supporting the talented youth and young families, forming of healthy lifestyle, development of youth sports, youth entrepreneurship, etc. 

The law clearly defines the tasks, powers of institutions implementing and participating in the implementation of the state youth policy, their liability in this area. These bodies are entrusted with the implementation of the state youth policy, ensuring unconditional fulfillment of requirements of regulatory legal acts aimed at ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of youth in education, health, culture, sports, labour and other sectors, implementation of measures on legal advocacy, prevention of offences among youth, interaction with public organizations, etc. 

The provisions of the act are also aimed at strengthening the role and place of the public, especially youth organizations, local authorities and mass media in the implementation of state youth policy. The law defines the legal mechanisms of compulsory involvement of civil society institutions in the formulation and execution of state and other programs, organizing and conducting activities for raising a healthy and harmoniously developed generation, strengthening the role and activity of youth in public life, implementation of public control over the implementation of legislation and state programs in this sphere. 

The senators noted that the adoption of the law will strengthen the rights and legitimate interests of young people, strengthen the accountability of state bodies and other organizations in implementing the state youth policy, improve the effectiveness of the measures taken in this sphere aimed at the creation of necessary opportunities and conditions for raising a healthy generation. 

The Law "On internal affairs bodies", considered next, clearly defines the system and the structure of the internal affairs bodies, their rights, duties and powers, the requirements for their employees, as well as measures of their legal and social protection. 


The law sets out the basic objectives, directions and principles of activity of law enforcement bodies. They are entrusted with the protection of the rights, freedoms and lawful interests of citizens, public order and public safety, the property of businesses and individuals. 

The establishment of specific responsibilities of internal affairs agencies, including the protection of rights, freedoms and lawful interests of citizens, the property of legal entities and individuals, prevention, detection, suppression of crimes and other offenses, ensuring the safety of citizens in public places increases their responsibility in front of the society and state. 

A special place in the law is given to the basic requirements for admission to the internal affairs bodies, the terms of its passage. 

According to senators, this law will strengthen the authority of the bodies of internal affairs, the rule of law in their activities, as well as increase responsibility of employees. Following the meeting, the senators approved the law. 

The senators in the course of the sixth plenary session considered several laws in the environmental field. 

In particular, they considered the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On protection and use of wildlife" in the new edition, introduced to the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis by a group of deputies as a legislative initiative. 

It was noted that the main purpose of the law is further improvement of the legal framework for the protection and use of fauna, increasing the effectiveness of the system of rational use and reproduction of objects of fauna, preservation of their habitat, as well as providing direct action of the law. 


The amendments and addenda to the existing law consolidate the new legal regulations aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of law enforcement practices and gaps in legislation from the point of view of comprehensive protection of the gene pool of wild animals as an integral part of biological diversity, bringing the law in line with the newly adopted laws and other normative acts. 

It clearly defines the powers of state bodies and local authorities, non-governmental organizations and citizens in the implementation of practical measures aimed at protection and rational use of animal world. 

Among important provisions of the law, it is necessary to mention the rules that define legal regime of import and export of wildlife, prohibits the removal of animals listed in the Red book from the natural environment, the order of carrying out of biotechnical actions for the rational use of objects of fauna, preservation of their habitat. 

A particular place in the law is given to issues of monitoring and control in the sphere of protection and rational use of wildlife, improvement of licensing procedures for special use of fauna objects. 

According to senators, the adoption of the law will serve to increase the effectiveness of conservation of quantitative and qualitative indicators of wild animals in the natural environment, their rational use, timely detection and elimination of existing problems in this area. 

Another law under consideration by senators was the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On protection and use of flora" in the new edition. 

The senators stressed that the new law is aimed at further improving the legal framework for the protection of flora, improving the efficiency of its rational use, preservation of the integrity of the environment and the growth of wild plants. 

The law clearly defines the powers of entities on protection and rational use of fauna, regulation of the import and export of flora objects, the requirements on the protection and use of rare and threatened species of wild-growing plants, carrying out quarantine measures. The document has established a legal framework for monitoring and control in the sphere of protection and rational use of flora. 

The senators noted that the adoption of this law will allow providing effective legal regulation of relations in the field of sustainability, preserving the biological diversity of nature, in particular, to preserve the gene pool of a plant species on the verge of extinction, the establishment and expansion of protected areas in the regions. 

The Senate will carry on its session today.


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