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Project Implementation Unit "Rehabilitation of regional roads in Andijan, Fergana, Namangan and Tashkent regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

5673 May 6, 2019 Print Download (PDF 10 Kb)

The Republic of Uzbekistan, with the participation of the International Development Association (IDA) at the expense of the World Bank financing, is implementing projects for the "Rehabilitation of regional roads in the Fergana Valley and Tashkent region.

In order to ensure the implementation of this project, Project Implementation Unit for regional road development project of the Republican Road Fund has developed a draft environmental and social management plan (ESMP).

This project is intended to perform construction and repair work by contractors.

            Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) _ Fergana valley (download)

            Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) _ Tashkent region (download)

Inital enviromental data of the project for Andijan, Namangan, Fergana and Tashkent regions (download)

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