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President congratulates people of Uzbekistan on Ramadan Hayit

8090 June 7, 2019 Print Download (PDF 21 Kb)

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev sincerely, wholeheartedly congratulated the Muslims of Uzbekistan, all people with Ramadan Hayit. 

On this blessed day, we all thank the Almighty for these bright days, when such wonderful spiritual qualities as kindness, mercy and humanism are manifested especially vividly, - said the President. 

Together with our families and people, as we celebrate this wonderful holiday, we strive to further strengthen the atmosphere of mutual understanding and harmony in society, show care and attention to the elderly, women and children, provide assistance to those who need it, noted the Head of the state.

It should be noted that these noble aspirations are consonant with meaning and content of reforms carried out in Uzbekistan to enter into a number of developed countries of the world, ensure a decent life for people.

From this point of view, preserving the national identity, spiritual values, ancient history and rich culture, studying them deeply and popularizing widely remains as an urgent task for us.

As it is known, in recent years, Uzbekistan is implementing large-scale activities in this direction, in particular, new scientific, cultural and religious educational institutions are being established, worship places are being improved.

Uzbekistan's initiatives, forwarded on the basis of the principle of "Enlightenment against ignorance" and calling for preservation of peace and tranquility, freedom of conscience, interreligious tolerance, bringing to the world community the humanistic essence of Islam are widely supported by the international community.

On this bright holiday, the President also sincerely congratulated people of the Muslim countries of the near and far abroad, all friends and partners, wished them peace, prosperity and progress.


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