Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Center for Islamic Civilization will be established in Uzbekistan

21683 September 4, 2017 Print Download (PDF 25 Kb)

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev during his visit to Almazar district of the city of Tashkent on April 21, 2017 gave instructions on reconstruction of the Imam Termizi mosque and proposed to establish the Center for Islamic Culture in Khazrati Imam complex (Hastimam). 

These days, large-scale work is being carried out in accordance with the resolution of the head of our state of June 23, 2017. 

On September 1, Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Khazrati Imam complex (Hastimam) and got acquainted with the project of this center. 

In our country, special attention is paid to the study of Islam, the rich heritage of our ancestors, the preservation of historical monuments. International scientific research center of Imam Bukhari is being created in Samarkand, construction and repair work is being carried out in the mausoleums of Abu Iso Muhammad Termizi in Sherabad district of Surkhandarya region, Abul-Muin Nasafi in Karshi district of Kashkadarya region and other places of worship. 

This noble work is widely supported by our compatriots and the international community. Taking this into account, the head of our state proposed to rename the Center for Islamic Culture into the Center for Islamic Civilization. 

According to the project, it is planned to build an academy, a library, an archive and a manuscript fund in the center that will be replenished with ancient manuscripts, lithograph books, historical documents, antiquities relating to scientific and religious schools established by scientists and religious figures in the territory of modern Uzbekistan, as well as modern scientific research work in this direction. It is also planned to erect a conference hall for 300 seats. 

We are always proud of our ancestors, and, in turn, should be worthy of them, said the head of our state. It is necessary to create all conditions in an organized center, attract known scientists to its activities. It is necessary to take measures on creating a rich fund of relevant literature and returning of those manuscripts that are abroad. In addition, nine secondary special and two higher educational institutions of religious direction will be transferred to the center. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev particularly emphasized the issues that must be taken into account when building the center. 

This center will be our face in the sphere of propaganda of Islam. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to its appearance, the used building materials. It is necessary to abandon the ordinary, template projects, invent new forms and design styles, said the head of our state. 

Information was also provided on the new housing for residents who will move to a new place of residence in connection with the construction of the center. 

The President of our country talked with the heads of state and public organizations, the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, imam-khatibs, activists of the makhalla. 


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