Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in Fergana region

8430 June 22, 2017 Print Download (PDF 27 Kb)

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in Fergana region on June 22 in order to get familiar with the progress of socio-economic reforms, construction and landscaping activities, new projects at places, and for dialogue with people. 

Fergana region, with its rich natural resources, developed industry and communication infrastructure, has a special place in the economy of our country. The economic potential of the region is an important factor of raising the standard of living of the population. 

In the first quarter of this year, the gross regional product grew by 6,1 percent. Stable rates of growth in industrial and agricultural production, implementation of investment projects, construction and service delivery are ensured. 

More than 96 percent of industrial products produced in the region falls on the share of chemical, petrochemical, light, food industry, machinery and production of building materials. Large industrial enterprises such as Fergana oil refinery plant, "Fargona azot", "Avtooyna", Kokand mechanical plant, "Daewoo textile Fergana", "Kokand Indorama textile" play a special role in the economy of not only the region, but also the country as a whole. 

Activities are successfully continuing on development of modern industries, organization of new and modernization of existing facilities for production of products that are competitive in the foreign market. The export potential of the region is increasing as a result of ongoing support to exporting enterprises, wide involvement of small business and private entrepreneurship entities in foreign economic activity. 

The free economic zone "Kokand", organized in accordance with the decree of the President of our country of January 12 of this year, will create even more broad opportunities for this. 

Small business and private entrepreneurship are dynamically developing in Fergana region. The share of this sector in the gross regional product has reached 62 percent, in export – 58 percent. 81 percent of the employed population is working in this sphere. 

Farmers of the region are also achieving significant results. The population is efficiently using household plots, receiving additional income. Grain is being harvested in the region these days. 

The pre-election program of Shavkat Mirziyoyev outlined specific plans and goals for comprehensive development of all regions of our country, including Fergana region, modernization and diversification of its economy, implementation of large-scale construction activities, raising the living standards of the population. 

During his visit to Fergana region, President of our country will get acquainted with implementation of these plans, promising projects, construction activities, will hold a dialogue with people. 


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