Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Pharmaceutical industry developing

12208 September 14, 2016 Print Download (PDF 11 Kb)

On the initiative of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, an event has taken place in Tashkent on work being carried out in the country on the development of the pharmaceutical industry and improvement of the system of medicines' quality control. 

In the first years of the independent development of the country under the leadership of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, foundations were laid for the creation of a modern pharmaceutical industry. Today there are more than 130 enterprises functioning in this sphere. 

Scientific research and development play an important role in the development of the pharmaceutical industry. On the basis of these, 15 types of medicinal substances were created in recent years, and they are being produced. 10 of them are original medicines. 

The use of advanced technologies in laboratories of the system of the Main Directorate for Quality Control over Medicines and Medical Equipment of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan is an important factor in effectively exercising control over the quality of medicines and their provision for the population.

The law "On medicines and pharmaceutical activity", which came into force on 4 January 2016, helps to extend reforms in this sphere. In order to improve the system of quality control, the Ministry of Health together with the Uzfarmsanoat state joint-stock company carry out scientific-practical work on initiating the production of import-substituting medicines. 

The Dentafil enterprise in Sergeli district produces about 150 types of medicines and medical products today. The enterprise started its work in 2007. Recently, a modern Swiss technology was launched here, which made it possible to start producing eye drops and other medicines. 

"Since graduating from republican medical college No 2, I have been working at this enterprise's workshop that produces liquid solutions. Knowledge gained and foreign languages learnt there help us, young specialists, professionally master all the advanced technologies that exist at the enterprise," says Orifjon Oripov. 

Demand for medicines made of natural components and biologically active additives has been rising of late. And this area is developing with every passing year. In 2015 new enterprises were established to process plants, and the production of 159 medicines and 56 types of biologically active additives was started. 

All this helps import substitution and the further development of export, and prices on the pharmaceuticals market become more balanced, and the country's economic potential rises. 

Bahor Hidirova, UzA

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