Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Pedestrian traffic, tranquility and health of people on our roads should be a priority

4397 June 5, 2020 Print Download (PDF 25 Kb)

On June 4, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the project of a new street and overpass in Yakkasaray district of Tashkent city.

In the past three years, 460 multi-storey buildings have been commissioned in Sergeli district. During this time, more than 100 thousand people moved here, and the population of the district exceeded 276 thousand.

As a result, the load on the infrastructure increased. In this regard, additional engineering structures, roads and bridges are now being built here, connecting the district with the central part of the city.

In particular, Uzbekistan Railways is building Sergeli overground subway for $83 million and a length of 7 kilometers with the stations Choshtepa, Toshkent Halqa Yuli, Sergeli, Afrosiyob, Qipchoq and Chinor.

Of course, this will create great amenities for passengers. But at the same time, it is important to take into account the needs of car owners.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev pays constant attention to this issue. The development of transport infrastructure was also discussed at the meeting with representatives of Sergeli district on May 29.

Information was provided about the projects of the road and the bridge that will connect Sergeli district with the center of the capital. Today, the Head of the state got acquainted with projects directly at the place of their implementation.

The project, worth more than 280 billion UZS, was developed in cooperation with the khokimiyat of the city of Tashkent and the Turkish company Kaloyn. According to him, at the intersection of Chuponota Street and the Small Ring Road, a 583-meter overpass will be built. A new street will be built from this intersection to Tashkent Ring Road, which will continue with a tunnel under the ring road and will be connected to a new bridge under construction on Qipchoq street.

A new street with a total length of 5.6 kilometers will be able to pass 3 thousand vehicles per hour.

As is known, today cars arriving in Sergeli district from the main part of the city and back, largely use the same road – Yangi Sergeli street. In this regard, traffic jams constantly occur here, the traffic intensity is very high. This artery is especially congested in the morning and evening. Therefore, as a result of construction of a new road and overpass, car traffic in the direction of Sergeli district will decrease by 50 percent, travel time will be reduced by 20-25 minutes.

"The most important factor affecting people's daily plans, their mood, health is the proper organization of transport. The purpose of building roads and reducing traffic jams is to create amenities for residents and visitors of the city. If we do not do this today, it will be harder every year. We will do it today, and there will be less expenses in the future", said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The Head of the state was presented with Tashkent's Transport Concept.

The concept was developed on the basis of the analysis of traffic flows in the city through a geographic information system. Its goal is primarily to ensure the safety, convenience and economy of the capital's transport system.

For example, proper traffic management will save fuel by $19 million per year and prevent potential harm, estimated at $129 million. By optimizing the number and routes of buses, you can achieve an economic effect of $2.5 million per year.

The concept also provides many amenities, such as development of an automatic payment system, the expansion of the number of parking lots and pedestrian crossings.

The President emphasized the need for creating additional conditions for the movement of pedestrians and bicycles.

"Transport is given an excessive priority on our roads. Pedestrian traffic, tranquility and people's health should be in the first place", the Head of the state said.

An instruction has been given to approve the Transport Concept in one of the districts of Tashkent and to further implement it throughout the capital and in other cities.

Presentation of investment projects involving the construction of multi-storey shopping malls, hotels and houses in Yakkasaray district was also held.


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