Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Yunusabad district of the city of Tashkent

17067 July 15, 2017 Print Download (PDF 131 Kb)

On July 15, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Yunusabad district of the city of Tashkent. 

The head of our state got acquainted with activities of the Security department of the Main department of internal affairs of Tashkent city. 

Radical reforms are being implemented in the system of internal affairs of our country. At the initiative of the head of our state, a new system providing accommodation of preventive officers in the makhalla, where they are working, their close interaction with citizens' gatherings is being created. Employees of internal affairs bodies are provided with housing, cars and modern technical means. 

Modern information and communication technologies are being introduced into the sphere, which plays an important role in strengthening peace and tranquility, and in protecting public order. A single fiber-optic network is being created. It connects all the main points of internal affairs bodies. 

On July 8, the head of our state during his visit to Namangan region held a dialogue with employees of Khiva district department of internal affairs of Khorezm region in the office of prevention inspector of "Orzu" makhalla in Namangan, through a videoconference. 

The Security department of the Main department of internal affairs of the city of Tashkent also uses modern information and communication technologies for ensuring public safety. "Safe city" situation control center is being organized in the main department. The Center will control and coordinate actions of road safety, fire safety, security services, patrol service and other services using geoinformation technologies. This work will be carried out with the help of outdoor video surveillance and modern signaling equipment installed in markets, educational and medical institutions, hotels, in the streets and other public places. This will help to prevent and promptly solve crimes and offenses. 

The system of ensuring peace and tranquility must meet today's requirements, said the head of our state. For organizing of an effective work it is necessary to master its capabilities to perfection and gradually introduce it into practice. 

The President of our country noted the need of approbation of this control center in two years, increasing the knowledge of employees of internal affairs in information technologies, training relevant personnel in Tashkent university of information technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmiy and Inha university in Tashkent, coordinating the system and introducing it in all the cities of our country. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the project of this park that will be created on the bank of Bozsu canal. 

In the park, it is envisaged to create special places for reading books, to build fountains, an amphitheater, exhibition pavilions, sports and health zones, organize archery and amateur fishing clubs, establish modern attractions. The park project is prepared in a harmonious combination with "Shahidlar hotirasi" ("Memory of martyrs") memorial complex. 

Shavkat Mirziyoyev gave instructions on turning the park into a center of culture and enlightenment, creating all conditions for readers, noted the need for rational use of natural relief in creation of the park, expansion of the landscaping zone due to ornamental trees and flowers. 

The head of our state visited "Shifo Nur" multidisciplinary medical center in Yunusabad district where he got acquainted with conditions created for doctors and patients, projects on organization of conservative and surgical treatment of diseases in adults and children, strengthening of cooperation with leading foreign clinics, attracting highly qualified specialists. 

Consistent activities are carried out on protection of motherhood and childhood, improving the quality and effectiveness of medical services, strengthening the material and technical base of medical institutions in our country. Much attention is paid to development of private healthcare sector. An important guide to action in this direction is the resolution of the President of our country "On measures of further development of private healthcare sector" of April 1, 2017. 

"Shifo Nur" multidisciplinary medical center is organized in 2013. More than 60 qualified doctors are providing the population with qualitative services in the areas of ophthalmology, plastic surgery, pediatrics, cardiology, neurology, gynecology, otolaryngology, stomatology, physiotherapy and optics in the center which is designed for 36 beds. 

It is necessary to provide medical facilities with modern medical equipment, improve the quality of medical services, said the President of our country. With the introduction of the most modern technologies, it is also necessary to ensure their effective use, to constantly improve the knowledge and qualifications of doctors.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Tokhir and Shokhista Tulaganovs' family living in "Islomobod" makhalla of Yunusabad district. 

The conversation was about reforms that are being implemented in our country and their results, educating the younger generation. 

Honorable aksakal (elder) Shokhaydar-ota Shoismoilov wished preservation of peace and tranquility in the country, continuation of prosperous life for the population, strong health to the head of our state.


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