Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


11th session of Security Council Secretaries of SCO countries held in Tashkent

9370 April 15, 2016 Print Download (PDF 25 Kb)

The eleventh session of Secretaries of Security Councils of member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization under the chairmanship of Uzbekistan took place on 13-14 April in Tashkent. 

The event was attended by Assistant to the President - the Secretary of Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. B.Yermekbayev, a member of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Guo Shengkun, the Secretary of the Defense Council of the Kyrgyz Republic T. K. Jumakadyrov, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation N. P.Patrushev, Secretary of Security Council of the Republic of Tajikistan A. A. Kakharov, Secretary of the Security Council under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan V. V. Makhmudov, as well as the Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization R. K. Alimov and the Director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the SCO E. S. Sysoev. 

During the meeting, held in a friendly and constructive environment, the parties exchanged views on topical issues of ensuring security and stability in the SCO area, the prospects of further development of cooperation and improving the mechanisms of interaction in combating terrorism, separatism and extremism, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and arms, transnational organized crime as well as international information security. 

According to the mutual opinion, international terrorism and extremism in all its manifestations can be defeated only through general and consolidated efforts of all states. 

The parties heard the information of the Uzbek side on the preparations for the meeting of Council of heads of member states of the SCO that are scheduled to be held on 23-24 June 2016 in Tashkent. The meeting participants noted that the upcoming Summit will be an important step in the improvement of the contractual legal framework of the SCO and the increasing international interaction in the sphere of security. 

The significance of early agreement of the draft SCO Convention on the fight against extremism, the Plan of measures on implementing the Agreement among the SCO member-states on cooperation in combating crime for 2016-2020, Anti-narcotics strategy of SCO member-states for 2017-2022 and the Action Plan on its implementation, which are envisaged to be adopted during the upcoming summit in Tashkent. 

The meeting participants heard and approved the report of the SCO Secretary General and the director of the Executive committee of SCO RATS on the activities of the organization in security sphere. 

Following the meeting the Minutes of the eleventh session of the Secretaries of Security Councils of SCO members-states were signed and adopted information report.


Link: http://uza.uz/en/politics/11th-session-of-security-council-secretaries-of-sco-countrie-15-04-2016

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