Хозирда мазкур сайтнинг янги версияси яратилмокда


Investment projects implemented and implemented with the participation of foreign direct investment

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about ongoing Investment projects

in 2021 with funds of International Financial Institutions


The Committee for Automobile Roads in the frame of Investment projects  financed by International Financial Institutions' funds for construction  and reconstruction automobile roads of common use on the basis of Republic of Uzbekistan President's Decree №ПП-4937 dated December 28, 2020 "Оn measures for realization of Investment Programme of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the years 2021-2023" totally 154,0 mln. USD dollars is defined for disbursement in the current year. Also, the construction and installation works will be carried out in the frame of the following projects:

- "Reconstruction of highway А-380 "Guzar-Bukhara-Nukus-Beineu" in the part of 228-315 km. ( 87 km.)  – is defined 40,0 mln. US dollars for disbursement (loan funds of Аsian Development Bank);

- "Development of local automobile roads in Tashkent, Аndijan, Ferghana and  Namangan districts" is defined 35,0 mln. US dollars (World Bank group, International Development Association);

- "Reconstruction of highway А373 "Тashkent -Оsh" in the part of 173-176 km. is defined 1,4 mln. US dollars for disbursement (loan funds of Asian Development Bank, this project is realized owing to saved (economized) funds of Project "Reconstruction of automobile road А-373 "Тashkentsh" in the reconstruction of 116-190 km. part);

- "Reconstruction of highway М39 "Аlmaty-Bishkek-Тashkent-Shahrisabz-Тermez" in the part of 1395-1400 km. And 1410-1426 km. (21 km.)" is defined 18,0 mln. US dollars for disbursement (loan funds of Islamic Bank of Development, the construction of current project was defined owing to saved (economized) funds of project "Reconstruction of automobile road М39 "Аlmaty-Bishkek-Таshkent-Shahrisabz-Теrmez" 1330-1395 km., 1400-1410 km. and 1426-1451 km. (total 100 km.)". The current project is going through Boysun, Sherabad and Angor district of Surkhandaryo  region;

- "Reconstruction of highway 4Р87 "Guzar-Chim-Kukdala" in the part of 38-73 kms. (35 km.)" is defined 15,0 mln. US dollars (loan funds of Saudi Development Fund and Kuwait Arabia Economic Development Fund).

- "Reconstruction of highway А-380 "Guzar-Bukharaа-Nukus-Beyneu" in the part of 964-1204 km. (240 km.)" is defined 34,6 mln. US dollars for disbursement (loan fuds of Asian Development Bank);

- "Reconstruction of highway А-380 "Guzar-Bukhara-Nukus-Beyneu" in the part of 150-228 km. (78 km.)"  – is defined 10,0 mln. US dollars for disbursement. (loan funds of  Аsian Infrastructure and Investments Bank).

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