Investment projects implemented and implemented with the participation of foreign direct investment
Osiyo taraqqiyot banki ishtirokidagi "Milliy avtomobil yo'llari rivojlantirish" loyihasi bo'yicha ma'lumot
O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining
2022 yil 4 apreldagi "Osiyo taraqqiyot banki ishtirokida avtomobil
yo'llarini rekonstruktsiya qilish loyihalarini amalga oshirish
chora-tadbirlari to'g'risida"gi PQ-189-sonli qaroriga asosan "Milliy
avtomobil yo'llari rivojlantirish" loyihasi doirasida Surxondaryo
viloyatidagi "4R105 "Darband–Boysun–Elbayon" avtomobil yo'lining 5-70 km
va 4R100 "Mang'uzor–Jarqo'rg'on–Bandixon–Oltinsoy–Denov" avtomobil
yo'lining 128-174 km qismlarini rekonstruktsiya qilish" ("Suxondaryo")
loyihasi hamda "A380 "G'uzor–Buxoro–Nukus–Beynov" avtomobil yo'lining
228-315 km (87 km) qismini rekonstruktsiya qilish" ("Buxoro") loyihasi
amalga oshirilmoqda.
Loyihalar bo'yicha batafsil ma'lumotlarni quyida keltirilgan havola orqali yuklab olishingiz mumkin.
Investment projects implemented and implemented with the participation of foreign direct investment
The Committee for Automobile Roads in the frame of Investment projects financed by International Financial Institutions' funds for construction and reconstruction automobile roads of common use on the basis of Republic of Uzbekistan President's Decree №ПП-4937 dated December 28, 2020 "Оn measures for realization of Investment Programme of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the years 2021-2023" totally 154,0 mln. USD dollars is defined for disbursement in the current year. Also, the construction and installation works will be carried out in the frame of the following projects:
INFORMATION on the implementation of investment projects in 2020 with the participation of funds from International Financial Institutions
In 2020, the Committee for Roads, within the investment projects implemented in the field of construction and reconstruction of public roads, with the participation of loan funds from International Financial Institutions, disbursed USD 94.6 million. Including due to road construction works under the following projects: